View Full Version : 16 year old male w/ muscle twitching

15-09-16, 03:17
Hello, everybody! I've had muscle twitches around my body for quite some time now (cant remember the specifics) but if I had to ball park it, since I was 14? They use to occur in my buttock,leg,arm etc. They occur seconds at a time and would only occur maybe once every several months. I have had no feeling of weakness as far as I can tell. This week I've had major anxiety due to an unrelated health worry and it began a lot of occurrence s of twitching so far in: Right Arm, Right Side of top torso, Left Side of top Torso, lower left chest, (little bit in left leg and arm) and I've also had eye twitches for a day. I've also noticed that I'm able to sort of pop my right shoulder in to create a sort of crackling noise, the same can be said for my right leg. I tried doing it with my left leg and arm and could not do it. I know a sort of cracking can occur when the muscles are weakened and the joints sort of.. go out of place a bit? I'm wondering if anyone has any idea if I would of noticed weakness by due to MS / ALS by now because of this.

Hoo boy! Sorry for the hefty text! Thank you very much for any response!! :D[COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 02:17 ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 ----------

Well Update on whats going on, I've been testing my muscles and I notice when I lean on my left shoulder it shakes, also when I raise my arms they become tingly and numb and feel sorta hot like after you work out. Should I be worried??

15-09-16, 03:35
You're far too young for either of those. Don't worry, it's just anxiety. Look up Benign Fasciculation Syndrome.

15-09-16, 03:45
Yep, read google in and out like it was a bible lol I understand the chances are absurdly low, I'm only worried because of the specific areas that I'm twitching at for the main part, It's happened a tiny bit on the left side of my body (I think, its usually brief) but its been on my right side of my body during this week mostly. I do worry and focus on those parts of my body though.. I always sound silly when I post these sorts of things.. even in a forum full of people with anxiety lol

15-09-16, 08:01
Well Update on whats going on, I've been testing my muscles and I notice when I lean on my left shoulder it shakes, also when I raise my arms they become tingly and numb and feel sorta hot like after you work out. Should I be worried??

15-09-16, 08:17
Hi BubbleDubble,

There used to be an expression "growing pains". I actually think that growing shouldn't be painful, but for a decade or so from 10 years to 20 a whole lot of hormones are raging around, doing their best to wreck your old body and and create a new one. Some people get really bad acne - you got muscle twitches. Your body and brain are still growing, so expect some bumps over the next few years, but never be afraid to ask for help from counselors or doctors. Should you be worried? Probably no - but don't be afraid to ask a doctor.

15-09-16, 08:24
Thank you for the response Josh & Hanshan!!

15-09-16, 08:54
I've been through the fear of MS (and briefly ALS) and as far as I understand muscle twitching occurs at such an advanced stage that you'd have had many severe symptoms beforehand. Also anything that roams the body and comes and goes like this is usually a good sign - nasty things tend to be persistent in particular areas.

But most of all the chances of having MS and (especially) ALS, especially at your age, is so astronomically small anyway it shouldn't even be on your radar as something to worry about. Easier said than done sometimes, I know, but focus on that.

15-09-16, 08:58
Well as it stands I'm very worried about why my arm is shaking and hurts when I lean on it whereas my right arm doesn't do it at all. I have full strength as far as I can tell as I could lift my bed slightly off the ground. This may sound stupid but is one arm suppose to be stronger than the other? Admittedly I'm overweight and do not exercise at all, I spend most my time leaning on my right arm and play games that require using my full arm to click the mouse rapidly. A answer would be much relief. I apologize for the complexity of my problem and very much give my thanks to anyone whos patient enough to read through what I have to say.

15-09-16, 09:20
Well as it stands I'm very worried about why my arm is shaking and hurts when I lean on it whereas my right arm doesn't do it at all. I have full strength as far as I can tell as I could lift my bed slightly off the ground. This may sound stupid but is one arm suppose to be stronger than the other? Admittedly I'm overweight and do not exercise at all, I spend most my time leaning on my right arm and play games that require using my full arm to click the mouse rapidly. A answer would be much relief. I apologize for the complexity of my problem and very much give my thanks to anyone whos patient enough to read through what I have to say.

We're not doctors, and neither are you. You have absolutely no idea what tests you need to do to yourself and how to interpret any "results". Step away from Google and stop trying to diagnose yourself. As you're anxious and, by your own admission, not particularly fit, I don't think you have to start looking for rare, degenerative illnesses (that you can as good as rule out in someone your age) to explain very vague symptoms that can be attributed to mundane things like anxiety symptoms, growing pains, RSI, mild sprains, trapped nerves, lack of exercise, looking too hard at things and seeing things that aren't there... etc etc. If your mind isn't put at rest see a doctor, for peace of mind and for advice how to manage anxiety if they think it's needed, not because it's even conceivable you have ALS or MS, which you haven't - you've completely misinterpreted your muscle twitches as a presenting symptom of those diseases, which they aren't, and are trying to clumsily fit any mild weird things you feel to that too. You need to stop.

15-09-16, 09:30
might just be growing pains. i wouldn't worry. muscles twitch alot in growth stages and you,re bodys nervous system adjusting to growing muscle mass getting used to the connections.