View Full Version : panic attacks sleeping or a wake

15-09-16, 15:32
The symthoms I have is a short like stabbing pain to the heart I have been to hospital many times all clear it just very scary does I one else have this thanks

15-09-16, 15:37
The all clears should make you realise there is nothing wrong with your heart.

"Symptoms" do not always equate to anything being wrong.

Most pains to the chest are nothing to do with the heart. How old are you out of interest?

15-09-16, 16:41
47 suffer severe anxiety

15-09-16, 21:42
I'm having that symptom right now rodds and since its carried on from yesterday I'm having a panic attack right now!

27-09-16, 08:34
Yes its just a senzation indeced by you by anxiety .You must convince yourself that this its only something fake and its not afecting you