View Full Version : What does this mean ?

27-03-07, 15:07
Hi , I know Ive said before that I suffer with health anxiety with myself and those I love. Well my Grandad who is 81 years old has been rushed into hospital because he couldnt breath properly and today they are giving him a scan cos they think he may have a blood clot on his lungs.

Obviously I am worried about him but Im finding it hard not to let my thoughts run away with me. I dont know much about blood clots on the lungs......basically could it kill him ? I feel a little sick thinking about it but at his age I know its not a good thing to have.

thanks for letting me whitter on.,
take care people x

27-03-07, 16:17
Hi Mirry nice to see you back.Im sorry to hear about your grandad.Hope he will be ok.It is a worry for you,he is good hands.
Big Hug for you and your grandad:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

27-03-07, 19:23
It does not mean he will die, they can give medication to shrink them or operate if they are more severe.

I hope he will be ok +++++++++++

27-03-07, 19:36
hi mirry

i think as cherry sead they can treat it and shrink them/it
((((((huugs mate )))))))))
try to stay srtong nice to see you back
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

jodie xx

27-03-07, 20:27
thanks for that, I feel a bit more stronger for him now.
He got diagnosed with prostate cancer in August last year and has been on very strong hormone injections to shrink the tumour....and they were pleased with him but now I wonder if the hormone treatment has caused the blood clot ? He was put on a high does of eostrogen , and I know the HRT and pill can cause blood clots in rare cases and they have eostrogen in them.

I should of gone to medical school lol.