View Full Version : Schizophrenia? Help! Hypochondriac

15-09-16, 22:39
18/M/black/no meds. So, I've developed a lot of weird symptoms over the past few months, that have come to a head over the last week and a half. In Mid may, a week before High School Graduation, I began to pluck my eyebrows in my sleep, and also developed twitching in my right eye. I proceeded to develop serious brain fog that comes and goes. In Mid July, I began become fatigued, my eyes had trouble focusing, I got dizzy upon standing, and occasionally, my limbs would seize up or go numb. I thought I had a brain tumor, but the CT showed nothing. The eyebrow plucking and numbness has gone away for the most part, but a week ago I started developing schizophrenia like symptoms. I see dark spots out of the corner of my eye, black spots or objects on the wall seem to move in my peripheral, translucent dots move around in lights when they're out of my FoV. I wake up in the middle of the night and can't seem to fall back asleep. I'm extremely depressed and anxious, and fans and vents freak me out because some sounds they make sound like breathing or whispering, making me think that I'm hallucinating. The visual issues and auditory stuff subsides when I concentration on something else. Anyway, this is causing me tremendous distress, depression and all that stuff. Sometimes I can relax a bit but essentially this is ruling my existence. I'm meeting a psych Tuesday but I don't know.

I've gone from waking up a few hours early to not getting any deep sleep at all, I close my eyes for what feels like a Lon time, then open them to see that its only been an hour. The occasional black dot or movement in my peripheral has turned into tiny translucent and black dot being seen on walls and in the air constantly. When I look at a patterned carpet, it looks like worms are moving under it, out of my FoV. Not like visible worms, but it moves around. When I look non directly at a light, it looks like little translucent dots are moving around in there. Still cant tell if Im hallucinating auditorially. Sometimes I hear breathing/whispering maybe? Can't tell if it's the vents, the pipes, maybe someone in the room? Lack of sleep is seriously effecting my performance in college. I believe my mental state is deteriorating rapidly and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. Ideas? Anyway, my symptoms all but clear up when I'm in deep focus or in a crowded room. I can't sleep, can't focus, having mini panic episodes. I went to a psych, but got no help.

16-09-16, 01:46
I would go to your primary care and tell them exactly what you wrote here. A good provider will order a battery of tests to rule certain things out. This could either be physical or psychological. A good doctor is going to have a light bulb go off in their head and say, "this sounds like it could be lyme disease, let's draw some blood and find out" or "sounds like you need a referral to an opthamologist" or "this guy is experiencing some sort of psychosis, let's get him some psych meds and a thorough therapist." Hang in there, you deserve some answers. Try your best to sleep.

16-09-16, 16:33
But I've already been to a psych. She scribbled notes and asked questions. Next meet in Tuesday. I don't know if i'll make it. I'm scared a super depressed, since a schizophrenic diagnosis means I'll have to drop out of school and give up my career aspirations.

16-09-16, 16:51
Make sure that you make it. This is important. You shouldn't avoid diagnosis.

17-09-16, 00:58
You do not sound like you're suffering from schizophrenia. Someone who's in the midst of a psychotic illness doesn't know they're psychotic. That's the key sign of the disease. Psychosis means disconnections from reality. You are aware of your surroundings. You don't seem to be suffering from delusions or hallucinatinons. You seem to fit under the OCD spectrum side. I would still go to your psych to get a proper diagnoses. I myself have gone through what you have. You become hyper aware and start worrying "what if" also staring at a light and looking away and seeing little floating "circles" is normal. I'm not sure what its called but that happens to me a lot. Sounds like you're extremely stressed and you get little sleep. Everything sounds like anxiety to me. Hope you feel better!

17-09-16, 12:50
It doesn't sound like schizophrenia to me either. I had similar symptoms back when I suffered from insomnia. Lack of sleep can play tricks on your mind and you can really feel like you're going crazy. It is problematic that symptoms make you feel more anxious/depressed which again affects your sleep and leads you to insomnia. I think the problem is that you're hypervigilant and because of that you notice every little noise more, your senses are over active and thefore it could seem to you that you are hallucinating but you're actually not. Believe me, I've been in insomnia trouble and know how much it can affect you mentally. This shall pass with time, the more relaxed you get more chance you will get some proper sleep and your mind will begin to heal.