View Full Version : Anxiety and control

27-03-07, 15:18
Hi I've had GA for a very long time... probably since being a very small baby (was always saying 'mummy, daddy be careful or shriekin at my little bro for doing something dangerous!) I think I've finally cracked the reason why :)
Well what makes me anxious anyway! I just really wanted to share it and see if anyone else felt the same... who knows maybe someone will read this and think the same!! I have just finished reading munchkins CBT diary in therapy section and some of her conclusions made me think (Thank you!!!!!)

I have come to realise that my anxiety has a lot to do with control... worrying if people will like me (I was a bossy little madam until I was about 4 and got bullied a little bit then moved aged 10 and didnt fit in so well) or if my boyfriend will get fed up, and control over not being able to get in touch with people (Overactive imagination that scares me with images of family horribly hurt - ending with absolute frustration and panic of 'why don't they just call me back' etc) my Tornado fear obviously have no control over that one! and the panic that the little fluttery feeling in my chest, or my headache is something really really bad (becuase obv it is and the docs will never know) the only area i have control over really is my job! its strange because I have always been good at my job and I have never been anxious about it... Anyway I have read a few other posts and I just wondered if its a common reason for anxiety... the lack of control over seemingly everything! I am having CBT and I think its helping!!

I am sorry for the majorly long post... it seems to be a thing of mine to babble!!

I can actually deal with this can't I!!!! :D

28-03-07, 00:16
Hadn't really thought about it before, but I agree that anxiety can definately be set off by things we don't have any control over.
As a child, we don't have much control, my mother was really controlling, what I ate, what I wore, even to the extent of telling me I didn't want to go to the toilet.......I was such an anxious child.
My current bout of anxiety is about things to do with my health that I don't have any control over.
Thanks for bringing this up Ailsajayne, it's given me lots to think about.

28-03-07, 10:40
Hi Alisajayne. I agree!! My anxiety is always made worse when I am not in control of what's happening. Recently, our landlord sold the place where we live and for 2 months we didn't know if we would have to move out. My anxiety hit a peak coz I felt totally at the mercy of someone else. (luckily its been bought by another landlord so we can stay) but the old anxiety is taking a while to settle back down! I also think that eating disorders are a way of controlling at least something in your life! I have experience of that and believe it was true for me! Best wishes, Maz xx:)

28-03-07, 19:32
Thats given me something to think about, I can't understand where mine comes from but it would be interesting to find out!

28-03-07, 21:20
I always thought I had no idea why I was anxious but when I really thought about it I realised.... its control!!! and bizarrely I've been much better at dealing with my anxiety symptoms since i realised that!!