View Full Version : Anxiety causing physical symptoms

16-09-16, 10:59
Hi everyone. I am currently suffering for weight loss 1 stone in last week mouth ulcers headache fast pulse tiredness tremors and weakness. Could all this be caused by anxiety. I am worried that it is something serious and keep googling.

Lost all hope
16-09-16, 11:16
I'm going through this now apart from the weight loss, iv never been so scared I'm also hoping it's anxiety an nothing serious! Iv had enough I just want to be ok

16-09-16, 11:18
Hi Chris, sorry to hear this.

What is you diet like? Can you attribute the weight-loss to anything in particular?

16-09-16, 11:27

Total loss of appetite but forcing myself to eat at least one meal a day. I have no vomiting or diarrhea so weight loss really concerning.

16-09-16, 11:31
You need to really work at that appetite dude!!

I am a small eater. I don't eat much at all. But I make sure I get plenty of proteins, and fats, and always have one large meal a day.

All of your symptoms tie directly to not getting enough food, energy, and nutrients.

Gradually up what you eat. Gradually do a bit of exercise. Your appetite will grow, and eventually you'll have a normal diet.

It's difficult I know. When you are anxious, you don't feel like eating. Which makes you feel worse, and more anxious.

So start simple. Salty crisps and water are a good way to get some energy, and hydration when you dont feel like eating much.

Take control of it.

16-09-16, 11:39
Thank you SLA got to admit I know I'm not drinking enough.

16-09-16, 11:56
Hi everyone. I am currently suffering for weight loss 1 stone in last week mouth ulcers headache fast pulse tiredness tremors and weakness. Could all this be caused by anxiety. I am worried that it is something serious and keep googling.

Weight loss - did you loose apetite and lost weight as a result? In that case yes. Loss of apetite is an anxiety symptom

Fast pulse - of course. Anxiety is stressing you.

Headache - absolutely. Did you know that headaches is mostly caused by tightening muscles? Perhaps you should take paracetamol when it is too severe, but dont overdo it.

Tiredness - yes worrying yourself to the limit makes you tired

Tremors - sorry, dont understand what you mean with tremors. Could you explain more detailed what you mean?

Weakness - yes, that is a classic anxiety symptom and also very present in panic attacks which I suffer frequently

16-09-16, 12:33
Hi viking I mean my body is shaking by tremors.

16-09-16, 14:38
OK. Now even more clear. Shaking is a major symtom of severe anxiety. Is your jaw shaking?

16-09-16, 14:43
i have all those symptoms too if that makes you feel any better.

I struggle to eat a decent amount. I have one of those meal replacement milkshakes every morning to help keep the calories up a bit.

I've managed to stop going down at least but i can't seem to put anything on (ive only lost about 3lb since i got ill though)

17-09-16, 14:27
More body shaking than jaw

17-09-16, 15:05
Shaking of muscles is still a symptom of anxiety.