View Full Version : Advice please

27-03-07, 16:32
Hi everyone,my partner and I have got to go to the bank and open a new joint account,and sort out a loan for our car.Well of course Im totally dreading it:ohmy: .Its going to be this week or next.The thought of having to sit there in a room and talk and sign papers gives me the willies:shrug: .My better half said he will do the talking,and if I feel ill to just walk out.Easier said than done,Id feel more stupid getting up and walking out.Do I explain before hand that I have an anxiety and panic problem?:shrug:
Its got to be done,but nearer the time I will be pooping myself:weep: .
HELP!!!!!:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

27-03-07, 16:45
Old thing of the anticipation being worse than the event. Hope it goes really well. When you get there it'll be all fine. Let us know how you get on.

jude uk
27-03-07, 16:53
The main thing is not to poop yourself in the bank managers office because then you've no chance of a loan:-)
I am positive that you will be fine when you get there.....But there is nothing wrong with telling whoever its is that you have anxiety....What kind of car is it that your getting...

27-03-07, 22:47
Hi Ellen

Firstly dont start stewing about this at the mo......you will just set yourself up for a pa!!!!:ohmy:

I would get your partner to explain that you suffer anx and pas its amazing how understanding people are!!!!:yesyes:

Some tips.......bottle of water, lavender oil on a tissue, rescue spray, kalms tablets!!!:yesyes:

And you will be just fine mate......keep us posted!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-03-07, 23:34
Thanks everyone.:) Not sure what car we are getting,we have a landrover discovery,but allsorts are going wrong with it.we cant afford to get another one,so we are going back to a car:weep:
Dont you Just hate it when you have to do things you dont want to.:lac:

02-04-07, 16:57
Bank appointment is tomorrow at 12.00.My stomach is churning,and I feel sick,but there is no getting out of it:weep: .What am I scared of?Its only a man in a room.My partner will be there as well.Why is it so scarey?:shrug:
I have such a bad stomach ache:weep: .I was anxious all weekend and nearly had a couple of panic attacks,but managed to stop them coming full blown.I have been so tired today and cant manage to do anything,probably wont sleep to well tonight either.Why is life so hard!!!!!!!

02-04-07, 17:04
Hi Ellen

Hope it all goes well for you tomorrow, im sure it will and when you get home you will be so proud of yourself !!

Dont forget its only your thoughts making you think like this, your thoughts CAN NOT hurt you Ellen! Keep thinking positive, telling yourself " I will be fine!"

I will be thinking of you tomorrow Ellen and sending you good vibes !

Heres a hug till then :hugs: :hugs:

You can do it gal !!!



02-04-07, 19:15
Hi Ellen
Will be thinking of you signing away all your dosh!
Hope you manage ok but the worst that can happen is that you have an attack. And we are good at those! :ohmy: Your partner will deal with it all. Sometimes I find all the build up and fretting horrendous.
Just remember you will be there 20 mins and out.

03-04-07, 00:01
Not long to go now!!!!!!!!!!:weep:

03-04-07, 09:12
Hope it goes really well today.

03-04-07, 09:33
Just wanted to say good luck for today Ellen !
You can do it !
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:



03-04-07, 11:15
Im off soon,Iv been to the loo so much my bottom is sore:blush: :blush: :blush:
Been doing my breathing and my eft,it is helping a bit.Feel so sick:weep:
Thank you everyone for your support,I know going to the bank is so small compared to what some of you have to go through!!!!I havent had a major PA since the summer and I dont want one today:mad:
Im feeling positive,I think!!!:shrug:
back soon!!!!!!!!:wacko:

03-04-07, 11:22
hi ellen...
im late replying as usual... lol
good luck... and like the others have said you will be just fine but i do totally understand how you feelin right now i used to get in such a state about any appointment i think its because our minds tell us we will be trapped there with no escape... but either explain when you arrive or just wait and see... if you have to leave the room it is not the end of the world there are many of us who suffer with panic and anxiety.
just think how chuffed you will feel once you come out...
sending you posative vibes

03-04-07, 12:53
:wistupid: :wacko: :wacko:
I DONT BELEIVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
got to the bank,feeling positive and guess what!!My partner got the wrong day!!!:madness: I coudnt believe it.Its next Tuesday at 12.00.Well I wasnt a happy bunny:mad: .
Now I have got to go through it all again next week.
Thank you all for your support.I need to go and chill out I think:lac:. He took a couple of hours of work for nothing as well
:sofa: :buttkick: :buttkick: :buttkick:

03-04-07, 19:23
Ohh Ellen what is he like !lol

:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
Hope you are enjoying your chill !!



03-04-07, 20:02
Well it was good practice lol and next week won't be as bad cos you did it today (sort of).

What is he like eh?

03-04-07, 22:29
O well it was a practice run,I got into the bank without a PA.:yesyes:
partner felt quite bad,so I couldnt really have ago at him:wacko:

04-04-07, 09:23
you will b fine. just imagine this bloke sitting there in his undies.....waiting is the worst part and when you get there you wonder what you were worrying about. You will probably never see this bloke again in your whole life and he probably sees dozens of couples a day. who knows maybe he suffers from anxiety to and is just better at hiding it. just remember is he a g-string kinda guy or a boxers boy YUK but it will keep your mind off yourself. hope it all goes fine. desi

04-04-07, 09:39
Look on it as a dress rehearsal for next week! Try not to think about it - I know it's easier said than done. At least you'll have your partner around for a few days for Easter?

04-04-07, 15:05
Hi Ellen - I am sooooo like you. Just having to sit in a room with anyone scares me coz I feel trapped but as all of the above say - Panic cannot hurt you- its just feelings like feeling sad, happy, whatever - just tap gently on your collarbone and say to yourself SO WHAT - not WHAT IF but SO WHAT if you have to leave the room - you are NOT a failure if that happen s- and it wont coz you can do it xxx Wenjoy

06-04-07, 19:27
Well I have logged on to see how your trip to the bank went.

And apologies but I laughed and laughed when I saw what had happened. What a nightmare! I hope you are feeling ok about your 2nd visit and you have stopped rolling your eyes at your partner and thinking 'stupid boy'
