View Full Version : Hiya Everyone

27-03-07, 16:43
Well, Heres my story, Ive never told it to you before even though ive been on here a while! :)

Well, It all started in October 2005, I had just started high school. I was 11 years old and so excited about my new school.
I had some great new friends and life felt great!

But then one day, I started feeling really breathless and dizzy in my last lesson, I felt shaky and scared, but I didn’t no why.
So I tried to keep my mind off it by staring out of the window, daydreaming, the lesson seemed to drag and it was my last lesson on a Friday!
My breathing gradually worsened and I thought it was asthma, I couldn’t keep still and no one noticed, I never told thought, because I didn’t want to cause a fuss, and from that day on, I have panic attacks.

About a while after my 1st panic attack, I was stood out of class having another one, but I really couldn’t control it, I felt so helpless and angry at myself. So, I started punching the wall and scratching my hands until it bled, you probably will think, ‘I bet that hurt’ but it didn’t, I felt relief and in control again, and soon my breathing calmed down.
Since that day, I have been self harming on/off.

Then, in about May/June 2005, I attempted suicide for the 1st time, because my mum and dad were being told that I self harm and feel suicidal, I felt really guilty, but I still attempted it in the school toilets, then as I was doing in, my teacher found me and burst into tears, that was the worse day of my life, and her look on face…It was awful, I felt so guilty.
Since that first suicide attempt, I have attempted suicide about 7 times and I still have panic attacks and self harm.

When I first told my teacher that I self harm, I felt so relieved, and the way she reacted determined everything else, if she would of reacted badly or shouted at me, I probably would have been dead now, but luckily, she was understanding and supportive, we click so well and I talk to her a lot.

Yeh, I still have problems, like I have eating problems, and problems in my past, which only certain people no about, but I AM gonna get better and I AM gonna keep fighting.

If anyone would like to ask me anything then just PM me. :)
Thanks for listening..:flowers:

Pink Princess
27-03-07, 16:49
awww see sweat heart i told you that you have been so brave. you have come so far and ofcourse you WILL get through this. your such a star.

there is something you must always remember.

you are braver than you believe,

stronger than you seem,

and smarter than you think.

always here for you kel, you know that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:hugs::flowers::hugs::flowers::hugs::flowers::hugs ::flowers::hugs::flowers::hugs::flowers::hugs:

27-03-07, 16:52
Thanks minnie! You make me feel braver just by being there! Your a star too! Lol! :hugs:

28-03-07, 15:32
Kelly, you are a Trooper !! :yahoo:

I am so very proud of you.......... and hope you are proud of you too!
Big hug coming up........


Granny's on :cloud9: !!

28-03-07, 15:45
Thanks so much GG.

You made me stronger! :)

Im so proud of myself!

29-03-07, 15:38
hi kel, your doing well babe. keep fighting it, one day you will win the fight. are you getting any help from doctors etc? if i can help in anyway, please feel free to p.m. me

take care
libbie x

29-03-07, 16:08
Aww well done to you Kelly, ur doin so well keep it up..we are all here for u...hugs to u babe..xxx

31-03-07, 18:05
:flowers: Hi Kelly it is good to see you here !

i am a new person here and i suffer from anxiety and panic... you say you have been around for a while, thats great!!

since i got here last week i have found the people to be very welcoming and supportive

From rachel in suffolk :)

31-03-07, 20:08
Glad you like it on here rachel. :hugs:

If you ever need to talk just PM me. :flowers: