View Full Version : Bed Bound

16-09-16, 19:53
Hello has anybody ended up being bed bound because of anxiety, I can say ime there feel so ill no matter how hard I try to stay on my feet I have finally had to take to my bed and I cant see it changing any time soon, ime so mad with myself but cant do it any more struggle to eat just small amounts and so tired also feel sick after eating just halved a diazepam so hopefully will get some relief waiting for psych to visit me at home to change meds cant come soon enough

16-09-16, 20:04
Hi Realy feel for you i can't say I ever ended up bed bound but at my worst I couldn't leave the house and stopped eating I lost a couple of stone in a few weeks and was a complete wreck , it can get better I've had good periods since then some bad luck has pushed me back down but you just have to keep fighting and getting back up , even if you can only get as far as the garden it's step in the right direction , don't give up trying one day you might look back and think what the hell was I doing , take care .

16-09-16, 20:34
Thanks Buster would you believe this has all happened since the bank holiday weekend felt great went out did things enjoyed myself withagroup of friends never imagined that this would happen I cant believe I in such a bad place after that never saw it coming just an explosion of symptoms the last month has been hell why does it happen like that one minute I pretty ok and then Whoosh Bam feel so ill cant even stand up proper with dizzy feeling in sickness feeling and struggle to eat. I just wish I knew why

16-09-16, 21:59
Hi , I'd definitely believe it came out of no where I've been through it so many times I've felt OK when things have been tough and burnt out when nothing is bothering me , there doesn't seem to be any ryme or reason to it but the good thing is it can go as quick as it comes somtimes , somthing clicks and things get better .

17-09-16, 21:33
I don't understand it Buster was having a good time not stressed not anxious anxiety was the furthest from my mind never gave it a thought that weekend did so much but didn't over do it paced myself as I do when feeling ok so as not totire myself out took things steady away but such fun with friends took the 5 german shepherds to the dam for swimming not all ours just the one of ours beautiful day blue sky sunshine ice cream laughing joking as you do and then Bam that's why I took it so hard had blips before but this has been a doozy and shaken my confidence to the core if it can happen when all seems right with the world on such a beautiful day no stress no anxious feelings then that's scary

17-09-16, 23:59
The only thing i can say from my experience is I've had a lot of big problems over the years and when things are going well somtimes it will come over me that things are going to well and it's going to come crashing down again , if somthing small goes wrong I almost feel relieved as that's it it's happened somthing went wrong now I can get on , I am pretty messed up though , maybe just a short shitblip and things will click back , 5 German shepherds that's a hand full two staffs and I need eyes in the back of my head .

18-09-16, 21:50
yea that's the same with me if things are going ok then I almost scare myself into thinking this is not right Ive felt so bad for so long that feeling normal isn't normal for me any more but feeling bad is normal for me now. I think well come on where are you all those awful feelings and sensations and symptoms, daft I know but that's how I think now and I know its wrong, but that's my mind set now. I managed to get up yesterday and today met up with the friends and the dogs again another beautiful day blue sky sun ice cream fun and laughter. Again waiting for the s..t to hit the fan, yep wrong I know. I am sorry you have had a hard time with stuff but we support each other and only we know what were going through and what we have to live with. I wish I had a magic wand hey presto and your gone you nasty anxiety disorder. Ive only got one German Shepherd the other 4 belong to my friends, hes only a baby yet at 20 months old and hes got a lot to learn but he gives me so much love and doesn't judge and hes there good days , bad days, happy days, and sad days,

18-09-16, 23:31
When i was at my worst i was either on the settee or in bed. When i could that was. I had to force myself to get up in the morning, to take the kids to school. To walk to the shop. It took alot. I was always tired and always had some symptoms. Things do get better tho x