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View Full Version : Is it likely that an eye exam would pick up a brain tumor?

17-09-16, 03:53
I have been worrying bout my right eye for a few months now. It almost feels like my brain is ignoring that eye. I have to keep closing my left eye to make sure I can still see out of my right one. It sort of feels like it is numb, but I can feel everything if I touch it.

I'm scared of seeing shadows and I worry about my peripheral vision.

My eye also feels a bit strained at times.

My main concern is a brain tumor! I cant stop thinking about this eye! It is the first thing I think about in the morning and it goes on all day. Can I see, am I feeling this, is that a shadow in real life or is it my eye?

I had an eye test done almost 2 months ago now and my vision was slightly blurry in that eye compared to the other but the optometrist said I don't need glasses.

He did a full retina scan on both eyes and said that my optic nerve looks perfect in both eyes as well as all the blood vessels and my retina has no spotting or anything bad.

He sent me away saying my eyes are healthy.

I am now wondering though would a tumor cause these symptoms and would he have seen a tumor if there was one?
Can I believe that my eye vision issue is not due to anything sinister?
Should I ask a doctor for a brain scan?

17-09-16, 04:39
Hi Kayla,

One manifestation of health anxiety is hypersensitivity to everything going on in your body. What you feel in your right eye is probably just normal sensations turned into fearful indications of lurking illness by health anxiety.

I'm wary of going to a doctor specifically to ask for test. It's a bit like symptom searching on Dr Google when you are really looking for cancer or some serious illness. Also, I've yet to read of a health anxiety sufferer on NMP who asked for a test and had their worst fears confirmed.

In addition, CT and MRI scans are quite costly to the health system, even if health insurance makes them seem inexpensive.

Basically, tell your doctor your symptoms, and the doctor should know what tests to do.

18-09-16, 23:47
I know I am hyper sensitive, but I just cant stop!

I'm also scarred that one of my pupils might look slightly larger than the other. Im too scarred to look in the mirror though in case it is

19-09-16, 10:11
Your doc wouldn't give you a brain scan as you don't need one Kayla. What you have described isn't symptomatic of any kind of tumour, and your eyes have had a clean bill of health.

Try and accept these are anxiety issues caused by your focus on one part of your body x

19-09-16, 11:31
Your eyes are neither perfect, nor symmetrical.

One of my eyes is a different shape to the other. (Astigmatism)

One is also much weaker. It is completely normal to have a dominant eye.

You are fine. Relax...