View Full Version : Sighing excessively

18-09-16, 04:46
So my lung cancer paranoia/fear/anxiety has dissipated greatly over the last month or so which is good, and although I do get a little ping of doubt every now and again, I have to say thanks to those who have given me advice so far.

Now I have this new thing which is weird, but overall not too worrisome, and came on to see if anyone else has this or knows what this is. I have been sighing a lot lately. Morning afternoon and night. An involuntary inhalation of air, sometimes I exhale loudly like a loud sigh. My wife actually said something the other day, which was when I first started noticing that I have been doing this. Weird and annoying, but atleast I am not certain I am going to die anytime soon, and as much reading as I have done, yawning and sighing are not signs of lung cancer.

rachael t
18-09-16, 08:06
Hi I go through days of doing that then goes away for a while and comes back again strange

18-09-16, 09:57
It's a stress thing, when you are worried/ stressed/anxious you shallow breathe, your body makes up for it!!
It's really common, the more you worry the worse it will be!!!

18-09-16, 10:43
For me, it's an indication that I am anxious. It happens in the morning when I am gearing up for work or whatever.

18-09-16, 16:31
I have this sometimes too & when my anxiety first began I saw a physio for lots of aches and pains and she diagnosed me with hyperventilation. One of the signs of this is sighing, plus excessive yawning and having difficulty trying to catch your breath. With hyperventilation you breathe too rapidly without even knowing. You could practice deep breathing which may help c