View Full Version : Nervous feeling in my chest

18-09-16, 09:22
I use to suffer with alot of anxiety and panic attacks, but that was few years go. I was fine for a while and recently in the mornings i started to have this overwhelming nervous feeling going over my chest is like the one u get in stomach but starts in chest and goes to my throat. Is wirrying me a bit as i dont know if is real heart issue or just firm of anxiety. I got one now 😖 And i fell calm no panick or worry just this horrid nervous feeling sometimes it feels like is taking my breath. Has anyone havd simillar symptoms or am i going mad!

21-09-16, 12:23

Yes same here. My anxiety always manifests as an odd uncomfortable nervous feeling in my chest.. It feels like something is very wrong but dont know what. Im terrified of heart problems so i end up focusing on the sensations which then leads to chest pain then a panic attack. My panic attacks always felt like they were a surprise but i know now they iften come from this almost perminant on edge feeling and nervousness. And its all in the chest area usually.