View Full Version : venlafaxine withdrawal and supplement support

18-09-16, 12:56
Hi everyone

I would really appreciate everyone's input on my current supplementation below

Morning (without food) past 3-4 weeks

Inositol choline 250/250 mg

Nac 600mg

L thenanine 200mg

Taurine 1000mg

Since yesterday (after last ssri dose)

L tyrosine 1000

5 htp 100mg slow release

45 min later

Cytoplan Wholefood multivit

Some wholefood superfoods

Evening (1 hr before sleep)

Taurine 1000 mg

5 htp 100mg

Background / history.

Just finished tapering off ssri drugs after 20 years after initial hospitalisation fir severe depression and anxiety. But after another breakdown and hospitalisation last april, i started to look deeper after having to go through a horrific time of trying to end my life. no one supposed to be on antidepressants for 20 years imo. Failure on the Healthcare systems part to recognise and signpost the correct necessary psychological treatment for me but after a year of intensive psychotherapy I feel like I'm getting to the route of the issues and not trying to stick an ssri plaster over it.

Was Having alot of withdrawal issues from venlafaxine. 375 to 0 yesterday reducing around 75 every week or 2

Mainly fluish symptoms, flushes, cold sweats, Brainzaps, sleep disturbances, foggy brain, difficulty concentrating, irritability, anxiety and emotional instabilty.

much much worse today on day 2 of 0 venlafaxine

The plan i put together was born out of reading around various alternative supplements and nootropics

Would love to hear peoples thoughts,concern's and suggestions

Especially on the debate around tyrosine and 5 htp

Thanks in advance