View Full Version : New to this but need to vent

18-09-16, 17:54
Hello everyone

I hope you are all enjoying this sunday evening.

Like many people who use this site, I suffer with quite severe bouts of anxiety and depression.

I haven't opened up about it for a long time; I've just learnt to 'put on a brave face' or simply avoid people.

I have just started a new job and it is incredibly pressured and intense. It also requires a great deal of my time and focus - something that is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

This weekend my anxiety has returned with a full force, I feel like a huge wave has pushed me to the floor and as though I am slowly drowning. I'm convinced that everyone I know doubts my abilities in everything. I'm convinced that I am worthless and that my friends only see me because they feel they should not because they want to.

What do you do when you feel like this? I can't eat, I'm struggling to sleep. I haven't been out because I feel worried, although I know a long walk would help, I can't quite build the courage to walk out the door.

Thank you for reading this.

18-09-16, 21:24

I can completely relate to you. It sounds like most of your anxiety stems from your job? If so have you considered looking for a new one? That's what I'm doing. Only because since hating my job I have discovered that anxiety has creeped into other aspects of my life such as relationships and home life. I think prolonged stress and anxiety caused deeper problems.

I totally get you, this weekend I felt like doing nothing but staying inside the house. But if you can, try to do things as hard as that may be, brbausr it does make you feel better. For example I forced myself to go for a drive this morning, no where in particular, but just to get out. The further I got away from the house the more anxious I felt but when I eventually did return home I felt much better for just being out. After that little outing I decided to go to the gym and felt even better after that. Then o started to write little lists of how I was feeling and trying out some techniques I learned from the Mind charity website.

So try and get out as much as you can, even if it's just for a walk. Also once you are feeling a little better from going out and feeling more confident try new things that challenge you like maybe join a club or take up hobbies you like and carry on doing them.

My advice about your job (only because I'm in the same situation) is maybe talk to someone, your manager or HR department and see if there is anything they can do to reduce stress and pressure at work. I appreciate this doesn't always work though (I tried this and the support lasted about ten minutes) and then if that doesn't work maybe look for a new job. At least then you can say you tried everything you can to make it better. Either way it's important to be happy in all aspects of life. For a long time I have made myself busy outside of work with hobbies to make up how miserable my working life was. Bit it's come to the point of me (a usually confident person) being reduced to an anxious, needy, clingy mess to realise that you should be happy and fulfilled at work and it's not just a means to an end in terms of money, you should at least get some enjoyment out of it and if you feel anxious everyday, well it's not normal but you are not alone.

I find that in today's climate, employers have the pick of the bunch when it comes to employees thinking that they can overload people with work, for a rubbish wage and that people will still be greatful just to have a job. Take a stand and find your self worth and don't let anyone push you around! Your anxiety will subside of you can find your confidence again. Take care :D

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------


I can completely relate to you. It sounds like most of your anxiety stems from your job? If so have you considered looking for a new one? That's what I'm doing. Only because since hating my job I have discovered that anxiety has creeped into other aspects of my life such as relationships and home life. I think prolonged stress and anxiety caused deeper problems.

I totally get you, this weekend I felt like doing nothing but staying inside the house. But if you can, try to do things as hard as that may be, brbausr it does make you feel better. For example I forced myself to go for a drive this morning, no where in particular, but just to get out. The further I got away from the house the more anxious I felt but when I eventually did return home I felt much better for just being out. After that little outing I decided to go to the gym and felt even better after that. Then o started to write little lists of how I was feeling and trying out some techniques I learned from the Mind charity website.

So try and get out as much as you can, even if it's just for a walk. Also once you are feeling a little better from going out and feeling more confident try new things that challenge you like maybe join a club or take up hobbies you like and carry on doing them.

My advice about your job (only because I'm in the same situation) is maybe talk to someone, your manager or HR department and see if there is anything they can do to reduce stress and pressure at work. I appreciate this doesn't always work though (I tried this and the support lasted about ten minutes) and then if that doesn't work maybe look for a new job. At least then you can say you tried everything you can to make it better. Either way it's important to be happy in all aspects of life. For a long time I have made myself busy outside of work with hobbies to make up how miserable my working life was. Bit it's come to the point of me (a usually confident person) being reduced to an anxious, needy, clingy mess to realise that you should be happy and fulfilled at work and it's not just a means to an end in terms of money, you should at least get some enjoyment out of it and if you feel anxious everyday, well it's not normal but you are not alone.

I find that in today's climate, employers have the pick of the bunch when it comes to employees thinking that they can overload people with work, for a rubbish wage and that people will still be greatful just to have a job. Take a stand and find your self worth and don't let anyone push you around! Your anxiety will subside of you can find your confidence again. Take care :D

18-09-16, 21:26
Hi , anxiety just makes you doubt everything and only see the negative , I'm sure if your freinds didn't want to see you they would just make up lame excuses to get out of it , try and take little time out to slow things down and just watch the world go by , most jobs are stressful , life is stressful , it's about recognising when the stress is getting to much before you burn out , take care .

18-09-16, 23:25
Hello everyone

I hope you are all enjoying this sunday evening.

Like many people who use this site, I suffer with quite severe bouts of anxiety and depression.

I haven't opened up about it for a long time; I've just learnt to 'put on a brave face' or simply avoid people.

I have just started a new job and it is incredibly pressured and intense. It also requires a great deal of my time and focus - something that is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

This weekend my anxiety has returned with a full force, I feel like a huge wave has pushed me to the floor and as though I am slowly drowning. I'm convinced that everyone I know doubts my abilities in everything. I'm convinced that I am worthless and that my friends only see me because they feel they should not because they want to.

What do you do when you feel like this? I can't eat, I'm struggling to sleep. I haven't been out because I feel worried, although I know a long walk would help, I can't quite build the courage to walk out the door.

Thank you for reading this.

Hi :)

Starting a new job for somebody without anxiety is scary as it is. However starting a new job for somebody with anxiety is a million times more worse. The last thing that your family and friends will feel is that your worthless and that they doubt your abilities. Your friends see you because they want to see you because they are your friends. It's just your anxiety telling your mind that. I'm currently in a job that I hate and feel pressured in and it is hard. However there are other jobs out there that you may be more comfortable in so maybe have a look at jobs that are maybe a bit less stressful and that you feel that you would like to do. Also sometimes with a new job it take's time to settle in and to get use to the new work environment and people. Once you get settled in the anxiety may get less and less.

If your anxiety is getting to a point where it's affecting your life then you really need to speak to your GP for advice. There are medications on offer that can really help anxiety but that's a decision for you and your GP to make. There are also alternative's to medication such as counselling and CBT which can help you to control anxiety and so forth. Despite the anxiety try and have something to eat and attempt to sleep. I know it's hard as I've been in this position myself and it's bloody horrible.

All the best. :)