View Full Version : please help

18-09-16, 20:33
Hi everyone,
My anxiety has been so debilitating for the last few months im really struggling, Ive had anxiety for years it was mainly social anxiety however this year ive been having panic attacks all the time i cant go anywhere without panicking its really affecting my life, ive become fixated on my heart because it will race extremely fast, im in a state of panic 24/7 even at rest my heart is pounding. Ive had an ecg done which was normal but very fast, also had a holter monitor which showed sinus rhythm and ectopics. The doctor told me ectopics are common but im still worried ive done damage to my heart from constantly panicking all the adrenaline causing it to beat irregularly..is it possible to damage the heart from this?

18-09-16, 23:19
Hi Meg.

I suffered for many years, and my heart acted the way yours did. I recently had some unrelated heart tests done and everything was normal, despite 10 years plus of continually having a pounding heart.You said you have had some tests done.If there was a problem your Doctor would have told you. So I would not worry about this. Your real issue is the fact you are suffering with panic attacks. I can tell you that there is a way to end them, you just need to find what works best for you. A little bit of faith can help too.

best wishes - times71

22-09-16, 23:53
Hi Meg just wanted to say I know exactly how you feel and am going through a bad time with my anxiety too. I have managed it for a few years but now it's stopping me from going out in the evening and it's affecting my work too. My issues are the same as yours - anxiety, overbreathing and then these trigger palpitations which even after years still terrify me, I don't know how to lose my fear of them. Like you I have had tests and all ok but it's hard not to worry. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions for you other than I think I have read other threads on here where people were asking the same thing, I think I have read that it doesn't damage the heart because your heart is made to respond in that way.
Just wanted to say I feel your pain!! Sending you hugs and encouragement, stay strong!!
Seffie X

26-09-16, 06:32
Yes its posible and i would advise you to try this meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vx8iUvfyCY but the secret its to listen everynight or in the morning not only for a short period of time