View Full Version : Terrified of Steven Johnson syndrome

19-09-16, 02:44
I am finding it very difficult at the moment to take any antibiotics, I fear that when I do take them I will develop SJS, I have no idea what to do about this problem, has anyone got any tips for me? I have never had SJS in my life or anaphylaxis.. I don't know where all of this came from.

On another note, what medications are safe for me to take? medications that won't throw my anxiety into overdrive

19-09-16, 19:09
I had that fear a couple years ago. I had an ear infection and I wouldn't take the antibiotic for that very reason. I ended up calling my Dr. for something else. :/ I know its super rare and I'm sure everything you'll be fine but goodness do I ever understand how you feel.

19-09-16, 19:41
Just to try and apply some rational thought to this for you, firstly, nobody can tell you that you definitely won't get SJS from your antibiotics, but you have two choices here:

1) In order to avoid the risk of this horrific illness, don't take your antibiotics. I don't know what they've been prescribed for, but if it's not serious, then you can reduce your risk of ever getting this condition by not taking them (it can be caused by things other than drugs, of course). However, in doing this, you will have to accept how whatever condition you require antibiotics for makes you feel and wait for your body to deal with it on its own.

2) Recognise the tiny risk of this admittedly horrible but exceptionally rare ailment befalling you and take your antibiotics to treat the condition you do have, safe in the knowledge that the odds are heavily in your favour. Right now, millions of people around the world are taking antibiotics and are not going on to develop SJS. You would almost certainly be one of those people.

Nobody can make up your mind for you. Nor can we tell you that you are guaranteed not to get the illness you fear if you take the antibiotics. I'm not keen on avoiding irrational fears, and based on the odds, your fear is irrational (I don't mean that in an insulting way as I have my own irrational fears). Deciding not to take your prescribed medication only serves to make the problem bigger for you. Nevertheless, you can choose not to take them. Or you can accept that there is this tiny chance you might get it if you take the antibiotics, but go with the odds and take them anyway.

I think that's about the most rational way of approaching it. I know how hard it can be to handle these kinds of fears. I hope you'll find a way through your torment and make the right decision for you.