View Full Version : Panic attack just now!!!!!!!

Pretty kittay
19-09-16, 06:23
Just woke up before wothban elevated heart rate then went into fall panic attack it felt like it took forever this time. I got up walked around that didn't help it made my heart beat faster about 140 it was at stayed around 127-137 for a bit then finally came down. I decided to lay down on the ground then couch after heart rate slowed I shook like I was freezing and I took a half of Xanax. I did have a crazy day today breaking up a fight today very traumatic I handled it quiet well but I guess it hit me later bc I was anxious the whole rest of the day took a half of Xanax at 8 went to bed at like 1030 woke up at 1230with attack. I have to start controlling my anxiety during the day so I don't have these nighttime attacks I hate it anymore.

20-09-16, 03:26
I just had a panic attack as well!! I'm dealing with health anxiety and i get these all the time!! Lay down, watch a movie, and concentrate on something else, or try to do something creative. It doesn't always help me but i know people who think it's helpful so it might work for you as well!!

26-09-16, 06:41
You must find somethin greative that will keep your mind busy try to find something nice that makes you happy also .Also a good tehnique that i use its called gratitude from Law of Attraction .Go outside and watch at all amazing think like trees ,plants building water sky etc .This not only will attract good things in your life but will make you also to feel better