View Full Version : Scared again of symptoms

27-03-07, 21:51
I'm having some weird symptoms this time....a weak feeling that goes throughout my body, lightheaded, kind of faint. I'm so scared of it all. I can't take it anymore. How can anxiety do this? It has to be someting more that no docs can find. Anyone ever get the weak type feelings out of the blue? Please advise. Thank you.

27-03-07, 21:55
Yes I have had that too

Read the Symptoms page on the left and it will explain it.

27-03-07, 23:54
Definately sounds like anxiety Shelly, it is scary, but you can get through it if you know it will so you no harm, the docs know what they are doing, they don't very often miss things, especially if you've been checked more than once.

01-04-07, 04:59
There is not a day goes by that I don't feel like you do at one time or another..Weakness on one side or the other breathlessness, trembling, hard to breathe and odd sensations in the limbs.. looking at my hands seeing blue in the palms and also feeling a faint pulse at sometimes and other times feeling a pounding pulse but over all feeling like you are going to faint or passout or just so weak you cannot move.. all of it.anxiety is killing us or its killing our sprits .. Just try to keep on.Somedays I think its got to be a stroke or mini stroke or something and I just make myself keep going and well as it turns out ,maybe it wasnt a stroke maybe just a feeling that that part of you was over used or muscles are streched and they are tighting back up.There are hundreds of reasons for weakness and the things you mention.. but you can bet that anxiety is the root..I have been fighting all of this all my life..I really didnt think about it till today but I have felt off and on all my life feelings that at one time or another whether I knew it was anxiety just about everything that is mentioned in these symptoms pages ,now at 52 retired I have more time to think about it and am a prime candidate for stroke ,heart attack or etc..but the funny or odd thing about it is that I keep being told that I dont qualify for those things I dont have the symptoms for them. So just hang in there and believe it will go away ..it will subside but you will always face them at sometime in your life at this time or that and just have to tell yourself its just a feeling it will go away ..