View Full Version : swallowing problems

19-09-16, 13:34
Hi all,

I've suffered a great deal of very bad anxiety and depression mainly for just over a year but since I was around 16 a had a small case that I ignored,

I've recently started around 6 weeks ago having difficulties to swallow, I've taken a course for oral thrush with no change, that lead to me having a barium swallow this come back absolutely fine, my doctor said it must be muscle spasms and I need to find a way to relax but Evan taking 4mg of diazepam I decided to take 60mg codeine aswell for 5 days my throat still feels the same,

I do have rhinitis really bad and I think its to do with that possibly post nasil drip? But my doctor still claims back to muscle spasms,

I clearly cough up allot of clear mucus almost like a glue and I feel this is clogging my throat

If you was to put your hands around your neck and put the smallest amount of pressure just under your Adams apple that is the feeling I get,

I'm getting all worked up as I've not eaten for around 6 weeks apart from complan I'm completely fed up with it can anyone tell me if they have suffered from this ?

Karl :)