View Full Version : twitching in legs! going crazy!

19-09-16, 15:44
Im going from one fear to the next, before it was breast lumps, now its twitiching in my legs! i've had that fear already a while ago, but thank g-d it went away, but now its back. i always have twitching all over but im used to it. Now i have twitcing in one area only. and every time i sit down i feel it like crazy. its driving me insane! anyone has t his? only twitching in one area???

19-09-16, 16:26
All the time. It changes from area to area.
I can have twitching in my thigh for days on end. Then I have twitching in my eye for days on end. Then sometimes it's in my arm.

I can go days without any twitching. And then something will pop up and I have it for a few days. I used to have it all over. Now it's down to just one area every now and then. I'd say most of us on this forum get that

19-09-16, 20:10
Tiredness, stress and low magnesium. Go get one of the big bottles of coconut water and drink that, helps me!

20-09-16, 03:57
There’s a condition called “restless legs syndrome.” Your legs, and sometimes your arms, will twitch when at rest. It’s annoying, but completely benign. It tends to run in families. you can try the magnesium, or there are meds you can be prescribed for it.

20-09-16, 07:19
Suffering from this and it is by far my biggest fear ATM. It is apparently a very common side effect to anxiety.