View Full Version : Would you know if you had Heat stroke???

19-09-16, 19:35
I was sleeping with a blanket and woke up 2 times sweating it is 74 degrees out I don't know how hot it is the house but would I know if I had heatstroke I feel fine but I'm worried now

19-09-16, 19:45
If you feel fine then what are you worried about?

Seventy-four degrees isn't that hot really (unless you mean centigrade!). But we all wake up sweating from time to time. It's normal to sweat.

If you had heatstroke, you'd know that something was very wrong. I've had it and it's horrible.

19-09-16, 20:08
Why would you be worried about heat stroke if you feel fine? You'd know you had it as you'd feel like hell

19-09-16, 22:40
I had it once and felt very aggressive until I got out of the heat and re hydrated. It was a strange feeling.

If you feel fine, it's just anxiety looking for something to worry about.