View Full Version : Breathlessness - normal anxiety symptom?

19-09-16, 21:16
Hey guys,

Since being in a new job (that I hate) I have developed a lot of anxiety slowly over the last few months. Every week seemed to be getting worse and worse and now it just seems like every day gets worse.

Today I've had the director and my manger on my back all day. I'm stressed and overworked as it is, covering someone else's work as well while he is on holiday so that's my own job and another person's all while still being new to the company.

Usually when I feel anxious I get chest pains and my chest feels tight but today I actually felt breathless, almost like taking really short sharp breaths while my heart felt like it was fluttering irregularly. I wouldn't say it was a panic attack because I was sat at my desk and no one knew any different, to anyone it just looked like I was getting on with my work, but it really did feel horrible.

Never had breathlessness before, is this a normal anxiety symptom and how do you combat it? At the time it's happening (along with chest pains) it feels like the only thing that would make me feel better is running away from the situation (like running out of the building) but obviously I can't do that.

I know it's all work related stress built up mixed with lack of sleep and long hours so I am looking for a new job and will leave the company I'm with as soon as I can get my hands on a new job.

Should I be worried about the breathlessness? My mum said I should go see the GP.

Thanks for advice.

19-09-16, 21:58
The first time i went through bad anxiety, and had several panick attacks i would inhale and feel a constant need to breathe deep, and i had this feeling that i needed more air. It lasted for 4 days and would come back whenever i felt stressed. It's normal, don't worry. You can try yoga breathing. It didn't work for me, and i was feeling dizzy but it might work for you!!
I hope things will get better for you soon!!

19-09-16, 23:05
Yep it's a very common symptom of anxiety.
You should also tell your boss to maybe give you a hand instead of moaning as your doing another persons job as well as your own!