View Full Version : needs some advice please

28-03-07, 07:08
Hi all
I am suppose to go away this weekend with both the A and B team of my softball club.Everyone is so excited we are suppose to go to aplace thats about and hours drive from where we stay around the mountain somewhere.I am not nervous for the drive or getting there as I don't have a problem with travelling or driving.The thing is we gonna be together whole weekend and no one knows I have anxiety and I am terrified something is gonna happen to me thats gonna attract attention.My boyfriend being very supportive with this anxiety issue assured me that when ever I feel uncomfortable or scared he will drive to come fetch me but that will even cause a bigger attraction what should i do please?

28-03-07, 11:46
Im with you on this 1 Cindy

I have my gf's mums wedding to go to in the next week and I'm scared im going to get an anxiety/panic attack and everyone will be staring and none of my family will be close-by as we're travelling 100 miles away from home :(

28-03-07, 11:58
Hi Cindy
What a lovely weekend that you have instore for you and i truly suspect that you will be so busy having a great time with you fellow team members that you wont have time to be anxious. You could always pave the way by saying that you havnt been feeling that great for the last few days but that you will go and see how you feel that way if it gets too much for you you can say that you are feeling slightly worse and have just been putting ona brave face phone your boyfriend and get him to come for you and no one will no. Its the truth in a way as anxiety is an illness. i am sure it wont come to this as distraction is a brilliant thing for anxiety.
go and have a great time it will do wonders for your confidence.

28-03-07, 12:37
Thanks guys for replying
Nell I think I'm gonna take your advice on this one.I'm gonna go cause I want to be normal and maybe my mind will be occupied.You right thanks

Keep me in your prayers I am leaving on friday late afternoon

Its great to have you all as friends
and David you will be just fine weddings are peaceful and happy maybe just what you need God bless

28-03-07, 13:40
Hi Cindy

There will be so much going on during your weekend, you won't have time to become anxious. Being with a group of friends, playing a sport, socialising - you are going to have so much fun! If you feel any sort of little panic or aan anxiety blip, just close your eyes for a few seconds, concentrate on some deep breathing and perhaps take a squirt or two of some Rescue Remedy.

However the weekend turns out, do please remember that your are already 'normal' - the anxiety you experience is part of a great many normal people's lives - we just have another dimension that you don't always seen in other people!!

I hope this is the first of many enjoyable weekends - have lots of fun, win your matches and let us know how things turn out.

Take care


28-03-07, 14:20
Hi Sandy
Thats the problem we not going to play the season is over so its a end of season weekend for all the girls no couches nothing just the two teams(girls only lol)When I am on the field I don't reall experience anxiety because my mind is occupied and Im concentrating on something but this weekend will be no sports just socialising thats the part that makes me nervous everyone is gonna be together and no game time :blush:

I really want to go they are a nice bunch of girls and I really want to get to know them better for next season but I am so afraid im gonna stay and disapoint them:sofa: This is so junk!!!!!
and its wednesday today and we leaving on friday why is so i small descision all of a sudden so huge:wacko: The old me would jump at this without even thinking because its a girls weekend out:hugs:
but since this anxiety I kinda turned out the opp really boring:lac:

Thanks for your help luv