View Full Version : I'm definitely am a hypochondriac and health worrier.

20-09-16, 07:56
Hello, I turned 13 yeas old almost 2 months ago. I have been a big health worrier for the past 4 to 5 years. It first started with worrying about my breathing, then my heart, etc. And now for the past month I have started the new fear of cancer and all sorts of things. I have bruises on my legs right now and I think they are cancer and it's really stupid but I can't help it. I worry any little thing is the worst disease in th world. I have a soar and dry throat right now and it's worrying to the point I can't go to bed, mind you its 2:52 Am in the morning! I hate myself for googling cancer symptoms cause now I have every disease in the world according to google, lol. It's honestly not funny and my family and I are thinking of going to get anxiety medication. Apparently, anxiety runs in my family. My mom has it, my aunt does, all sorts of people in my family had and have it. I hope in amother couple weeks or month I will be over this new health worry. Then a new one will appear 1 month later. I hope I'm not the only one in this giant boat full of health anxiety. If anyone is like this let me know because I would like to here honest opinions and experiences compared to mine.:)

20-09-16, 22:39
Hey :)

You'll find alot of people here going through the exact same thing, me included.

As far as your cancer worries, let me tell you the amount of times I've been to see doctors and GPs over the past 6 months and brought up the C because of all the weird aches and pains and symptoms I've had and pretty much every one of them has said I'm way too young to be getting most cancers and shouldn't even be thinking about that. Bare in mind that I'm 29!

So at 13 I think you should just put ideas of cancer out of your mind completely! Stress and anxiety affect the body in all sorts of weird ways.

21-09-16, 02:29
TheHypochondriacKid am very sorry to hear that at your age, am 27 myself and suffered for 10 years or more, the best thing is or i hope that you are around nice people who understand like we do, telling some random or who ever who has never felt or experienced such sickness is a real reality check to them and we think that there think we are crazy lol. you are not alone, deep breaths bro <3

---------- Post added at 01:29 ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 ----------

hopefully you can reply, ill bookmark this and check later on <3

21-09-16, 03:03
Hey, I'm 15 and I also suffer from health anxiety. It really sucks. You really can't enjoy anything in life because of it. We'll get over this, good luck man.