View Full Version : HI

28-03-07, 10:06
Hi. everyone im new here so thought i would say hi , im 35 and been having panic attacks for 8 years now and now i dont even go out the house.

love sandy

28-03-07, 10:19
A big welcome to the site SandyJane :D

I am dealing with agoraphobia too hun - have you ever considered the course run by the charity Nopanic, it's a telephone course that runs for a few months and I did help me and make me set myself little goals!

Also we have a chatroom and a quiz on Sat nights if you feel like some company.

Piglet :flowers:

28-03-07, 10:47

no ive not heard of that phone course, so if u dont mind could you please tell me more about it , plus thank you for telling me about the chat room i will be coming in there.
sandy xx

28-03-07, 11:09
:welcome: SandyJane,

Welcome to nmp!

There are lots of people on here in same boat as you, me included. Have suffered agoraphobia and health anx for years too. Its a great site and if you come into chatroom you will get to meet loads of people who really understand what you are going through and who can give you lots of help and advice and most of the time a good laugh!!

Hope to meet you in there soon!

Take care.

Julie xx

28-03-07, 11:30
Welcome to you SandyJane.

I keep missing the quiz on Saturday, sounds like fun.

28-03-07, 12:23
Hi Sandy,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

28-03-07, 12:35
Hello Sandy and welcome. Hope you find this site as inspiring and helpful as I have. Maybe talk to you in the chatroom, take care, Love Lindy :)

28-03-07, 12:55

Have a look via this link - I think you have to contribute £10 towards the course and then once a week you have an hours phone call. This is mediated by someone from Nopanic who themselves have been through it and have had training in how to help others.

There are usually about 8-10 other people on the course and I can't tell you how nice it was to talk to 'real' people. Understandably everyone was nervous that first week but once the course got going we really got on well and some of us communicated off the course too.

Although it didn't cure me it did really help me get out last summer and set myself little goals and it was smashing to have the support from the rest of the group.

The charity also do some good cd's at very reasonable prices that maybe worth you looking into. :D

Piglet :flowers:

28-03-07, 16:49

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

28-03-07, 18:11
just want to say thank you so much for the lovely welcome on here,

love sandy x

28-03-07, 18:17
hi sanndyjane

a big welcome to you

jodie xx

28-03-07, 18:40
Hi Sandy, A big warm welcome to the site , I suffer from agoraphobia as well, you will get lots of helpful advice here.

Barb x

28-03-07, 21:41
Hello Sandy!

Big :welcome: to you!

28-03-07, 21:44
Hi Sandy

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

29-03-07, 16:09
Hi Sandy,
A big welcome to the site..great support n advice on here..glad to have ya on board hun x

31-03-07, 18:01
Hi Sandy Good to see you here!

I am Rachel in suffolk and i also suffer from agrophobia I am a new person to the site too, and just wanted to wish you a very warm welcome

i have found the people here to be very welcoming and supportive ! :)

Pink Princess
02-04-07, 16:34
hey welcome to the site, hope you settle in here and make friends soon xxxxxxxxxx