View Full Version : Throat concerns

20-09-16, 21:35
Hi guys. So my self talk is a little shaky right now. No possible way to go to the doc at the moment, also would be terrified to go even if I could. I thought you all could talk me down from the anxiety ledge before this becomes a thing.

Last tests: all blood work/labs fine, cholesterol great, lots of weight loss, heart rate perfect, blood pressure normal, stopped recreational drinking, fatty liver healed, nothing on ab. scan, blood sugar normalized. Woo hoo!

Symptoms: nasal drip, slight hoarseness, ears plugged up (I think it's a sinus issue), slight SLIGHT sore throat with the nasal drip, slight fever which has gone away, periodically worsening heartburn. Been on prilosec for heartburn for 10 years (since pregnancies) and it's always worked until recently. When I was drinking (fairly heavily and regularly), I did vomit, I had one or two episodes of blood in spit up, but it went away. I also had a blip with bulimia. No blood in stool, completely abstaining from alcohol now. Former smoker in early 20a. I'm a 38 year old female.

I've been getting some slight sticking in my throat when I swallow, with lots of burping and "clicking" also when swallowing. I periodically get burning pain between my shoulder blades but I am not sure if it's coffee/heartburn or a pinched nerve. It doesn't stay forever.

I've read that esophageal cancer is rare and mostly happens to older men, statistically speaking. Trying to comfort myself there. But I am acutely aware of how much abuse I subjected my poor body to...I can't help but worry and I CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT afford to go to another doc at the moment with my family's current medical needs. Any thoughts? Sorry for the length. :(

21-09-16, 15:32

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

21-09-16, 21:41
Why would you put my post in heart palpitations when it's about throat concerns?

And do you send all of the other health concerns elsewhere?

21-09-16, 21:58
Why would you put my post in heart palpitations when it's about throat concerns?

And do you send all of the other health concerns elsewhere?

Hi I have sent a message to nomorepanic to see if this was just an error.

Just so you know admin dont read every post so if you need to contact one of us it is better if you pm or post in the contacting admin part of the forum.

We would hate you to think we were ignoring you, when in fact we probably havent seen your query.

21-09-16, 22:13
Sorry I moved it to the wrong forum by mistake.

Yes the admins move posts to a more suitable sub-forum if we have one as not everything has to be posted in the Health Anxiety forum.

22-09-16, 01:48
Thank you all. Sorry to be insistent, just really dealing with the anxiety today and stupidly googled a bunch of crap.

Here's the reality: I did abuse my body, I did overeat, over drink, I was a smoker (periodically), and I did gain a ton of weight, all with increasing acid reflux I'd had since my pregnancies. So the scary-ish symptoms of blood in vomit (after drinking), I only had a couple of times so I dismissed it when I stopped drinking. These new symptoms (searing back pain, dizziness, burping, feeling like something is caught in my throat, drainage-feeling, irritated throat, coughing) *could* be attributed to a host of other things, but together it spells bad stuff (according to my anxiety). Because we have no money to get this checked out, I'm just stewing in it---hyper sensitive to every sensation.

You know, I even had unexplained weight loss---right before I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I think I lost close to 30 lbs in five months prior to that diagnosis. I'm so scared...

22-09-16, 12:52

22-09-16, 13:06
Hey I also have this similiar feeling when I swallow.. It feels like there is something there and I'm constantly swallowing saliva to get rid of this feeling in my throat.. Sometimes it goes but is usually there