View Full Version : Pregnant?

Harley Q
20-09-16, 21:52

I'm 22, and mucked around with a guy in january. There was no intercourse, but i'm worried i might be pregnant, unknowingly, by pre-cum or something?

I'm super anxious.

i've put on about a stone of weight in a year. I know you can be pregnant without knowing, i just want reassurance that i'm not? could it just be bloating from food? how will i be able to tell? can you palpate the uterus?

I started on the pill in february, a few weeks after THE event. i've had periods every time i'm on a week's break from the pill

not noticed any kind of nausea, boobs are the same size and not sore...

I dunno. HELP. :(

20-09-16, 21:57
You would know if you were pregnant for that long and if you are having periods then you can't be.

Why haven't you done a pregnancy test or being to see a doctor and ask?

Harley Q
20-09-16, 22:01
This sounds stupid, but I'm too anxious.

We never actually had sex, just fingers...

how can you tell if something is just fat or a baby?

i'm so worried, i'm at uni, and my family and friends would disown me

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

I feel so alone

20-09-16, 22:02
January? You would probably have had your baby by now if you were pregnant.

Harley Q
20-09-16, 22:04
I worked out that I would be 36 weeks... :(

20-09-16, 22:07
Has it been 36 weeks since your last period?

Harley Q
20-09-16, 22:14
No, but I went on the pill in Feb and have had a period on every week's break... And I read you can get your period despite being pregnant.

I feel so bad cause I feel like this guy took advantage of me when I was coming off my anti-depressants. My head was all over the place :(

20-09-16, 22:17
If it was a baby it would be kicking and all sorts. You would know. You are not pregnant in my opinion.

If you didn't have sex then you really don't have anything to worry about.

20-09-16, 22:19
I'm so sorry you had that awful experience but I do think it is highly unlikely you are pregnant. I think you should stop worrying about it if you possibly can and try to focus on your life at uni. A pregnancy test might not be a bad idea to put this to rest once and for all. I saw some for £1 in Poundstretcher the other day

Harley Q
20-09-16, 22:26
Okay, thank you every one. I'll try and chill. I just have heard that people don't know until they are in labour! If I last past Oftober without giving birth I'll know for certain I guess...

20-09-16, 22:30
The people who don't know they are pregnant til they give birth all had sex

20-09-16, 23:33
If the only way to prove you aren't is to get a pregnancy test done then why not do that?

21-09-16, 21:33
I found out I was pregnant last January...I just gave birth last week. Trust me, you would know that you are nine months pregnant by now. There is no doubting it especially when you have limbs painfully digging into your ribs. A pregnancy test, while not necessary, would definitely put this worry to rest.

Harley Q
22-09-16, 19:28
I thnk if I do a test and it's positive i just won't know what to do. my family are deeply jewish.

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

My belly just looks pregnant and it has for four days... I was wondering if it did that thing where the baby hides and you don't know you're pregnant and then it appears again

22-09-16, 20:31
Harley, you didn't have sex so it is highly, highly unlikely you are pregnant. Please stop worrying yourself about this.

Harley Q
22-09-16, 20:39
Okay Sarah. To be honest, I'm feeling a bit better about it tonight than I was. It's just when I read stuff online, dangerous I know! :(

22-09-16, 20:42
I am a worrier too. Many of my anxieties are as unlikely as yours is, I know that. I'm glad you are feeling better about it. Is there nothing else you can try and focus on? A hobby, a sport or some other pastime? Even getting stuck into a box set helps at times like these.

Harley Q
01-10-16, 23:40
I found out I was pregnant last January...I just gave birth last week. Trust me, you would know that you are nine months pregnant by now. There is no doubting it especially when you have limbs painfully digging into your ribs. A pregnancy test, while not necessary, would definitely put this worry to rest.

Congratulations btw!

---------- Post added at 23:40 ---------- Previous post was at 23:39 ----------

I am a worrier too. Many of my anxieties are as unlikely as yours is, I know that. I'm glad you are feeling better about it. Is there nothing else you can try and focus on? A hobby, a sport or some other pastime? Even getting stuck into a box set helps at times like these.

Yeah, i think so maybe. Maybe doing college work? My tummy just feels so weird...

02-10-16, 06:44
You tend to put on weight with the pill if not careful.

I have had 3 pregnancies and there's no way I could have not known, you are fine. It's actually harder to get pregnant than people think xx

Harley Q
25-10-16, 20:29
Okay thanks

I'm still worried as i would be coming up to 'my due date'.

I just think this woud be the worst thing that couuld happen

25-10-16, 21:10
Do you have breast milk leaking?

You most certainly would at this point if you were pregnant.

Go check .. come back and let us know.

Harley Q
27-10-16, 20:20
No... Nothing.

I dont' get it tho, some people have no signs at all, what if im one of those?!

27-10-16, 20:41
Breast milk is hormonally driven by pregnancy hormones, it's not a "sign", it's a byproduct of pregnancy.

At this point in a pregnancy you would be able to express breastmilk. I didn't even have to try, it was leaking out on its own.

27-10-16, 21:22
Why on earth didn't you do a pregnancy test if you were this worried? You could have saved yourself weeks of worry.

Harley Q
05-01-17, 23:30
I was afraid of the outcome. Almost a year since 'the incident' and no baby, in the clear I reckon. Thank you all