View Full Version : Eating issues

21-09-16, 07:55
Hello everyone

I am not sure where exactly to put this topic as its not really anxiety related but I felt like I really needed to share my experience and get some advice as this is doing my head in.

Ok so to give you a clear picture of the situation I will start by saying this all started with a certain medication I was put on in May 2013 called seroquel which helped me sleep and to reduce anxiety as well as taking an anti depressant that I had started that January but swapped to a different one that April in 2013.

Since taking this medication I had noticed a dramatic increase in my appetite I enjoyed food and constantly craved it, I did put on weight but I was lucky enough to not actually go overweight but almost did reach that.
It felt like a craving for the taste, I would often think about a food and its taste and felt like I needed it and that is how it started.
In January 2014 I tried to make more tasty healthy food as I thought well if I have this constant craving for food I might as well try and eat more of it being healthy, but I still ate heaps and couldn't figure out why I was never fully satisfied it was like I hardly ever felt full from my food.

At the end of 2014 I came off both of my meds as I weaned off them my anxiety and moods were doing great but my craving for foods continued.
In the last four months it has seemed to come back to normal like I was actually feeling full and didnt feel the need for food until I was hungry.
I was eating way less than what I was and had even lost some weight, was not bloated, didnt have any digestive problems that my craving for food often gave me because I was constantly eating, and I was also getting major reflux problems that has now died down a lot.

However in the last couple of weeks I have noticed that constant craving for food has come back, I am not on any meds, I have currently been taking natural stuff called rescue remedy for the stress I have been having at work.
But the cravings are driving me nuts, I try not to eat a lot and only what I need but its really hard as I have an intense craving for food.
Also I have noticed bloating and digestive problems recently has started again due to eating a lot.

I have heard of a thing called chewing and spitting your food out, and I am actually seriously thinking of trying this and taking it up because I am at a lost here and really dont know what to do.
I am also emetaphobic which in a way is probably a good thing because I know I would have probably engage with bulimic behaviours.
I just dont want to get fat but want to get rid of these cravings, I have tried stuff like garcinia Cambogia tablets which didnt work at all for me.

Does anyone know what i can do to stop cravings like this and so I can feel like eating only when I need to and the amount my body actually needs.
This is driving me insane and I am at my wits end. Thank you, any advice or shared experiences would be appreciated.

23-09-16, 08:43
Well is anyone going to help me here????

26-09-16, 08:08
I thought this forum would be useful for anyone to offer support and help but obviously not. This forum is not as good as I thought it would be I am actually quite disappointed about that.

26-09-16, 23:24
Sometimes people just don't know the answer or solution to a problem. Personally I can't see how this is anxiety related, and as this forum is full of people who suffer from anxiety, I cannot see how they can help you. You say that you could possibly have bulimic tendencies. I think you need to explain this to your doctor who can guide you in the right direction x

27-09-16, 01:44
I thought this forum would be useful for anyone to offer support and help but obviously not. This forum is not as good as I thought it would be I am actually quite disappointed about that.

You've asked for support and help re food cravings, this may be causing you anxiety but I'm sure you must appreciate that this is quite a specific thing, requesting a specific answer - which you are unlikely to find here. I would have thought that the more appropriate step to take would be to look for a forum that deals with eating problem