View Full Version : Sorry to post again but I'm at my wit's end

21-09-16, 12:04
I'm so frustrated yet terrified at the same time.
For almost a week I've been having headaches on the same side of my head, sometimes in my neck, sometimes up into my right eye, sometimes around my right temple. And I'm fixating on this pain so much I'm not even sure it's real anymore. When I'm sitting down and relaxed the pain seems to dissipate a bit but then as soon as I get up and move around it arrives again. I'm driving myself absolutely nuts. All day I'm thinking about if I've got any pain. It's not even severe, it's hardly noticeable, but I'm so obsessed by it that it feels ten times worse.
I feel like I'm going insane right now.

21-09-16, 13:25
Sounds a bit like headaches I get, which can be mid or really bad but come and go and are nothing to worry about (I've had them years and I'm still here...). They can focus on part my head, through my sinuses, sometimes focuses on one eye socket, down my neck, across my temples, etc. Sometimes last for hours, sometimes for days. I've never really got them diagnosed, but seem to be stress-related, and may be somewhere on the migraine side of things.

Other things can cause headaches too - stress, concentration, close work (such as computer use), dehydration, tiredness, needing a new glasses prescription...

If it persists it may be worth seeing a doctor, for peace of mind, and to check you've not got an infection that would need a dose of antibiotics. But headaches are usually benign and mundane, even ones that are really painful. I've been prone to them all my life so don't worry about them.