View Full Version : Gah!

21-09-16, 14:09
Hey everyone,

I start work tomorrow and i've been panicking like mad and that has led to (yay -_-) panic attacks. So worried i'm going to have a panic attack on my first shift. Trying not to think about it but it's nearly impossible. So, yeah, GAH! Might throw a pity party with ice cream and pictures of puppies and just hope that tomorrow goes well and i'm not out of a job before i've started it!

21-09-16, 22:03
I can related to that. panicking about panic.

Hopefully you'll get stuck into being focused on the work and the anxiety won't get too bad.

If it does remember panic attacks don't last THAT long (although it feels like they do) and if you go to the loo to try and relax for it bit you should be able to make it through.

It's all uphill after that

26-09-16, 06:38
Try to breath deep and try to relax as much as you can and repeat to yourself that you are very courageos and keep focusing on the things you want .Making all this you impress the brain to give you good results to move you from fear to confidence