View Full Version : Agoraphobia / Panic Attacks

awesome cookie
21-09-16, 17:01
Hello Am new to this Lovely site.
I have had a Nosey about a little, and Would like to meet people in same Boat as Me because I Feel Like am Only one to suffer with this, and it can really get Me down no one understanding how I feel I cant put it into words what a panic attack feels like to people who have no idea and how Scary the thought of going out side in case I have a panic :weep:
Is there Any members on here Who knows Just how I feel :)
If so please Inbox me because I will have No idea how to see this Post.
Am new to site so still learning what to do :yesyes:

21-09-16, 22:12
you should be able to find your post again and see replies.

I'm currently trying to recover from agoraphobia and panic attacks (with a bit of emetophobia thrown in).

If you want to chat about any of it then i'm usually lurking around.

awesome cookie
22-09-16, 10:40
Yay ive Found my Post :)
Thank you am i ok to Msg you please ?

22-09-16, 10:43
sure if you'd like to, i'll try and help.

or just reply here then multiple people can reply if they want.

awesome cookie
23-09-16, 15:35
Thank you
I have read your Blog
I Think I want to do one think it would Really help me :)
get it all out in words

27-09-16, 08:25
I am not in this situation but i am sure you will find someone .Good luck to you

27-09-16, 15:12
I suffered agoraphobia after having my first baby to the point of not being able to leave my room or even answer the phone and have done to some degree ever since, but there is hope as I can now go out, drive, go on holiday(with help from my family to get me on the plane) I am still a bit trapped in my anxiety but I just slowly forced myself to do a little more every day. It's so hard and I feel for you. Always here if I can possibly help in any way x

27-09-16, 16:26
Dizzy lady,
Just wondered if you have a medical condition linked to your dizziness? I've been suffering dizziness and inner ear problems the past year which has made my anxiety reappear. Hospital think it's Ménière's disease x