View Full Version : Question for people who suffer from ghosting with their vision at night/dark rooms

21-09-16, 17:10
Hello all,

Do you ever find the level of your ghosting fluctuates? Recently my ghosting seems to be noticeably worse on my iPhone lock screen (it's a dark background with white text) - the words "Press home button to unlock" has ghosting lines/starbursts that almost extend to twice the height of the text when I take my phone into a completely dark room.

I had an eye test about 4 weeks ago - all clear, and I forgot to mention the ghosting as it's something I've been to the opticians about 2-3 times this year and each time they've said just take more breaks from screens, take eye drops and rest your eyes which I can't really do much with my job.

Earlier this year I thought the ghosting had all but disappeared, but now for the last week it seems worse than ever. I'm 31 and I've got a mild astigmatism which the optician told me about at the start of the year but they didn't mention that it might be the cause of the ghosting, just dry eye, too much device time. Had tear quality tests earlier in the year and they said my tear quality was fine.

I feel like I just need someone to say - it's maybe not dry eyes or device time, it's probably the astigmatism - just move on with your life and ignore it.

Oddly enough the ghosting on my iPhone is MUCH better when I take my glasses off which was never the case before. I'm just concerned that there seems to have been a change this last week.

That along with seeing an occasional flashing dot/spot just below the centre of my vision lasting 5-20 mins (which doesn't seem to be an ocular migraine) is getting me down at the minute.

Sigh, I wish I could just this stuff and move on without worrying I'm ignoring something sinister.

22-09-16, 08:01
Just to add detail: it's the same level throughout the day if I go into a dark room and try it, so I don't think it's eye fatigue or strain. Also a pinhole test clears the ghosted text as it has done since it started in February although I tried it last night with a streetlight and the halo glow remained - is that something to worry about?