View Full Version : Arm and leg kick on there own

21-09-16, 18:06
Hey Everyone,

Do any of you ever experience twitches where you arm or leg will kick a little bit I cant stop thinking about it and its driving me nuts. I will be seeing a psychiatrist as well as a therapist in about a week. Just wanted to see if anyone else is or has had this problem.



23-09-16, 04:36
It could just be that you are hyper-focusing. When does this tend to happen? Have you been sleeping well? Are you under a lot of stress?
When you go to your psychiatrist tell them about it and if you are on any drugs right now ask if they might be causing this.

23-09-16, 08:17
Hi! The muscle twitches are a common symptom of anxiety. I also have them if I start a new anti depressant medication. It is annoying but you get use to it. I find I have them more when Im trying to relax as apposed to when I'm really anxious. I kind of think of them as the body ejecting all the pent up tension.

23-09-16, 10:23
Happens through out the day most noticeable at night relaxing I feel on edge most of the time for no apparent reason. I don't sleep much wake up many times through the night will feel tired sleep for a bit then wake up be awake for a bit fall back asked wake up again on and off all night. It's sucks my anxiety symptoms scare me and in turn make me more anxious it's driving me mental. Doctor checked me out told me to see psychiatrist will be seeing one Monday.

23-09-16, 11:03
If there is one important piece I can give you through your journey with anxiety, it is this 'Anxiety symptoms can't hurt you, you are safe'. They are uncomfortable and they suck big time especially when it is chronic. But twitching muscles, headaches, racing heart, feeling faint, shaking, unable to relax or concentrate...it can't hurt you. Try and do some guided breathing exercises or guided mindfulness meditation. There are heaps on you tube. I know it isn't going to stop what your feeling or cure it, but it does give you some relief. Try and focus on something else, even just your immediate surroundings or talk to someone. I struggle very badly with anxiety and have done for many years. The deep breathing and meditation give relief even if it is in the short term and starts retraining your brain to come back to a relaxed state instead of a heightened one. Tracy

23-09-16, 12:28
what Tracy has said is so true, anxiety comes in many forms. Try the relaxation videos on you tube they really help. I went through a period where I was convinced I had a problem with my tongue and I focused and focused for several months convinced I was really ill. when I look back now I realise how ridiculous it was and once you get to grips with your anxiety you will realise you were worrying unnecessarily.

easier said than done but it will happen.


23-09-16, 13:50
I have tried meditation a few times I feel upset when I do for some reason. I sometimes get a feeling of needle pricks which make me uneasy just had one a minute ago where it felt like a needle in my knee then my leg kicked on its own. I need to stop looking at my symptoms in Google.