View Full Version : Anxiety help

21-09-16, 22:50
Well i suffer with general anxiety and have been doing ok these last few months but tonight im a shaking wreck, i just noticed a lump my sons mouth and im worried sick.. i know im over thinking but im really scared ive turned to jelly and dont want to make it obvious to my husband as he will talk about IT and then i will over think more.. i will make some appointments tomorrow but its just at the forefront of my mind.. and i feel like im going to have a panic attack

---------- Post added at 22:50 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

Im frezzing and burning up im shaking not sure what to do

22-09-16, 06:38
I havent slept all night im still a wreck.. I guess it help to write stuff here

---------- Post added at 06:38 ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 ----------

Anxiously awaing a time to ring both the doctors and dentist.. trouble is i will be driving my older children to school at that time also. If i dont get an appointment today i may completely freak out as my anxiety is through the roof and i have no diazepam or anything as j was trying not to take ut anymore but i may need some if i can get it im not sure what else i can do to relax me

22-09-16, 07:02
You've done really well recently because I remember how much you were struggling a while back. That shows you can do it and I'm glad you found your strength to dig yourself back out of the hole you felt you were in.

I'm would suggest you try to distract yourself any way that you can whether it's with mundane chores to keep you busy or anything else. Also try to do some breathing exercises to reduce your adrenaline levels, maybe walk it off too as exercise helps the body to metabolise excess adrenaline into other chemicals the body needs.

A lump or swelling can be many things and the most common are the most easily treated. It's most likely some form of infection or be may even have bitten himself or perhaps even a burn from food/drink. There are tons of basic possibilities that may or may not need a quick treatment.

Think about all the illnesses you've had growing up, all the bumps & bangs. He will go through them just like we all do. So, isn't it most likely something simple than something scary?

30-09-16, 10:16
thanks so much for the reply..im not sure if its a change in weather but the anxiety has really kicked in these past few weeks, and now my husbands job of 2 years is ending so he is asking 'me' to find a job quick ... (you can imagine how this is now not helping with anxiety) i cant sleep..im really short of cash so i sold some bits on ebay and then i had someone complain wanting their money back..i agree and am polite but it really makes the anxiety kick in..feel like i really need a simple life with no responsibility..wish i could just lay in a field all day