View Full Version : Now you see me, now you don't!

28-03-07, 12:51
GG's been having some technical problems.....

I’ve had a little problem,
Can’t log on to NMP.
I tried and tried again and then,
Thought “no one there wants me!”

My Active-X’s are installed
My Cookies are enabled.
But when I type my username
My login is disabled!

“What shall I do?” The words went round
And round inside my head.
I could ask Ross (but I can’t log in!)
So I mailed a mate instead!

Please help, I’m des-per-ate
Was my wailing, crying plea.
The page says GG’s there – but she’s not!
Won’t someone rescue me?!

So, my Faithful Friend messaged Nicola
Thereby coming to my aid.
“GG’s there, but she’s not (if you see what I mean!)
And her hope is beginning to fade!”

Now , I’ll never know for love nor money
Why this situation should be.
But my mind’s a blank, and I should know
‘Cos I work in a school in IT!

So, I will have to accept
That this will remain
A blooming mystery.
For when I tried to log in again – it worked
‘Cos I’m 'ere you see!

28-03-07, 12:57
Aww ROFL!!!

Good to have you back hun :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

28-03-07, 13:34
"We seek G.G here, we seek G.G there
Those Frenchies seek her everywhere!
Is she in heaven? Or is she in hell?
That demmed Elusive G.G.Pimpernel?"
..... but we love her really !!!:flowers: x


28-03-07, 15:18

Oh GG, your a card! :hugs:

28-03-07, 15:52
Haha! Dave you ol' Charmer! :winks:

"Tu es tres hilarant, mon ami !!" (hey, dig the french accent eh?)

Ross......does that make me a PC Card then ?? :shrug::D!

Am I still 'ere then, or have I gone again??:wacko::wacko:

28-03-07, 15:55
Er, Piglet......:secret:......how are you progressing with our belly-dancing costumes?? lol !!

28-03-07, 19:42

Glad you are back ok LOL

28-03-07, 19:45
Lol GG lol xx

28-03-07, 20:21
The mystery of the computer, someone will sus it one dqy


28-03-07, 22:11
:D :D WB GG lol


Trac xx