View Full Version : Nocturnal Panic Attacks

Pretty kittay
22-09-16, 02:31
Ughhhh I'm getting so fed up and disgusted anymore. Yea so I thought maybe my blood sugar was dropping at night nope. I wake up with a slightly elevated heart rate then get a few skipped beats then turns into a full blown panic it has happened last couple of nights It's awful then I have to take a half of Xanax I shake for a bit then fall asleep. My mother in law wants me to take a full Xanax at night to see how I sleep. Maybe I need it for a bit to pull myself together. Also I keep scarring myself with these stupid Palpatations thinking I'm gonna vtach or something.

Lady Penelope
23-09-16, 12:02
I also suffer nocturnal panic attacks. Every morning about 3am! I have been having them for about 9 months and they started just every now and then but at the moment it's every night. I have been prescribed fluoxetine and am day 16 and also diazepam. I have just started CBT and the therapist said it better not to take the Diazipam and it does not deal with the problem - only masks it.
I listen to a short audio by Monica A Frank called "panic assistance" which someone on these boards recommended and it does help a bit. .worth downloading if you can. Wish I could offer more comfort but sending you a hug. I am going to ask my doc about sleep apnea to see if that could be a cause. Good luck

Pretty kittay
24-09-16, 01:42
Thank you sending hugs right back. No one understands that does not suffer from panic attacks like us what it feels like and how crappy it is. It's not fun waking with an elevated heart rate that speeds up to about 150 then slows then you get skipped beats etc... sometimes can lady 5-15 min but feels like forever ....

26-09-16, 03:10
I used to get these everytime night time and there horrible. I wback on flouxetine again now and have been for about fourcmonths. They are very rare now x

26-09-16, 04:33
I keep getting them lately. every 2 or 3 days. at almost 4am on the dot. waking up suddenly with my heart going mental. sometimes I can rationalize and calm down. sometimes I just cant seem to think clearly enough and end up in a shaking mess and take a diazepam

26-09-16, 06:26
You can try some relaxation an breathing tehniques as they help and also advice you to try thr advice of your mother and take a full xanax and see the results ,nothinh bad can happen if you take a full xanax for short period until you see the results

Pretty kittay
27-09-16, 01:19
Thanks guys well I ended up checking my pulse the other night when I had it and it was 169 ughhhh I laid on the ground tried real hard to control breathing and got it down to 130 lasted about 15min. I slept ok last night about 7 hours but all broken sleep.