View Full Version : Morning panic atacks every day

Lady Penelope
22-09-16, 11:51
My panic attacks have now increased and I am having one every morning for the last week. My husband thinks I take too much medication and could be side effects. Hard to know which one could cause this
At night I take Bisoprolol 2.5 and Statin and baby asprin. In the morning I take amlodipine for blood pressure and fluoxetine (day 16!). I am finding that I have to take a Diazipam 2mg every morning to control the panic attacks. I try the deep breathing and relaxing for about half an hour and then give in and take the Diazipam. I am hoping that the Fluzoetine will kick in soon. It's the Bisoprolol I am most worried about ( a beta blocker) I have a arrhythmia SVT and it was prescribed for that. I feel ok in the evenings but always wake in the night or early morning with chest tightness and feeling I can breath and this quickly develops into full scale panic attack. I have had ECG, echo etc and they say my heart is fine apart from the arrhythmia SVT.
I would really appreciate anyone's thoughts on all this.

22-09-16, 12:07
Hi Mazza,

I can't advise to the other medications you have , but I was prescribed fluoxetine and diazepam on Friday after meltdown/ Anxiety attack, I haven't slept well at all since then but like you every morning I wake or I'm woken feeling panicky. I've found taking the diazepam helps alleviate the symptoms to some degree.

Could taking your diazepam earlier help?

Lady Penelope
22-09-16, 12:19
Hello lil-bubble
Sorry to hear what you are going through. Maybe I could take the Diazipam before bedtime - don't know why I did not think of that. I am only prescribed 14 at a time - very reluctantly I might add. I am trying to use them sparingly and only take one when I have a panic attack. I supposed they could be used as a preventative measure. I am on 2mg. What dose were you given? And how often are you taking them?

22-09-16, 13:04
Same dosage as yourself 2mg, (3 per day). I take mine first thing as soon as I can in the morning. It does take 30-45 mins to take effect though.

26-09-16, 06:36
Well i think maybe your meds can be the cause of your panick attacks .Try to change a litle the combination or reduce the doze .Try to make changes and see if something good hapens as i read also that too many meds can cause panick attacks .If you dont see any results you can speak again to your therapist

Lady Penelope
26-09-16, 11:56
Thank you. I am going to see my GP tomorrow and ask about changing the meds or the time I am taking them. Still walking up feeling shaky and weak every morning which often leads to a panic attack.

26-09-16, 19:02
It might be the start up side effects from the flu. I managed 7 days on it and had nocturnal and morning panic attacks for the last three days - hence why I stopped taking it. If you can push through, unlike me, I believe it eases.

Lady Penelope
26-09-16, 19:52
Thank you. I was tried on citralaprim before and gave up after 3 days as they anxiety got so bad. That's part of the reason I want to power on with the flux especially as I have managed 20 days so far. I also have Diazipam which I have been taking 1mg sometimes but try not to take too much as it is almost impossible to get another prescription so I have to use sparingly. Mind you I have had 3 panic attacks today so might need Diazipam before bed!

26-09-16, 20:11
I've never taken diaz for anxiety, so I can't comment on whether it will help long term with the morning panic. I hope things ease off for you soon :)

Lady Penelope
26-09-16, 20:53
Thank you. How have you managed your anxiety if you don't mind me asking?

26-09-16, 22:00
With some difficulty! I had two years of CBT a few years ago and I try to use the techniques they taught me. My go to methods are challenging the panic/anxiety, and distraction. I'm going through a bad patch at the moment, but taking each day at a time. It's no fun, is it?

27-09-16, 00:46
My panic attacks have now increased and I am having one every morning for the last week. My husband thinks I take too much medication and could be side effects. Hard to know which one could cause this
At night I take Bisoprolol 2.5 and Statin and baby asprin. In the morning I take amlodipine for blood pressure and fluoxetine (day 16!). I am finding that I have to take a Diazipam 2mg every morning to control the panic attacks. I try the deep breathing and relaxing for about half an hour and then give in and take the Diazipam. I am hoping that the Fluzoetine will kick in soon. It's the Bisoprolol I am most worried about ( a beta blocker) I have a arrhythmia SVT and it was prescribed for that. I feel ok in the evenings but always wake in the night or early morning with chest tightness and feeling I can breath and this quickly develops into full scale panic attack. I have had ECG, echo etc and they say my heart is fine apart from the arrhythmia SVT.
I would really appreciate anyone's thoughts on all this.

I think you should ask your doctor for a higher dose of Diazepam( 2mg is not enough!) Diazepam & other benzos like Xanax for example are very effective for panic attacks

27-09-16, 02:15
Just want to make a point about your Amlodipine. I have suffered with GAD and occasional Panic Attack for many years. I also took Amlodipine for many years until a few months ago. After some investigations due to fatigue I had the good fortune to be seen by a consultant physician who changed my blood pressure tabs. I am now taking Micardis and along with other improvements in my general health, my anxiety issues have diminished signigicantly. I am not saying that its due to the BP tab change but it may be worth checking out with your medical people.

Lady Penelope
27-09-16, 12:50
Well I have been back to the GP today and he has advised that I continue with the fluoxetine for another month and see how it goes. He sad it can take a long time to kick in for anxiety. He has also taken me off Bisoprolol and put me on propranolol 40 mg just once a day. picked up from pharmacy and the pharmacist who I have spoken to about my problems said propranolol is a very good drug and she thinks it will help my anxiety. I will update once I see how it goes.

27-09-16, 20:06
Excellent stuff, glad things seem to be moving in a positive direction.

Lady Penelope
27-09-16, 20:33
Thank you. I have also started one to one CBT which I am hoping will help.

Lady Penelope
28-09-16, 17:43
I got on well with Propranalol yesterday and today and felt calm all afternoon. I have tried calling GP today to see if I can take it 2/3 times a day. I have read the leaflet in the box and 3 X 40mg seems to be the usual dose. I would like to be able to take another at bedtime to see if it helps with my morning panic attacks which always seem to start with a racing heart.

Lady Penelope
29-09-16, 09:53
Well that did not work! GP called and said I could take two a day. Took second one at 11.00pm and woke at 2 feeling breathless and funny pain on right hand side of chest and feel g panicky. Managed to calm down after an hour and went back to sleep. Woke a 8am feeling groggy and immediately has massive panic attack lasting 90 minutes. Only just got my breathing under control.

30-09-16, 21:17
I've been having panic attacks almost daily mon-friday at work. I usually get them in the afternoon. I am almost recovered from a year of depersonalization and derealization and now all that's left is a very sensitized mind.

I am looking for therapy to deal with anxiety but finding it really tough in New York even though I have great insurance, a lot of therapists don't accept it and I feel like I have nowhere to turn. It's tough but i'm hanging in there.

Lady Penelope
30-09-16, 23:37
Yes it's very tough. I have had a whole day without a panic today! Not sure if it's he Propranalol which I gave started this week or the fluoxetine kicking in. Had CBT session today which was helpful. Also listening to Claire weekes and riding the Dare book. Best of luck