View Full Version : New to panic attacks, feeling desperate

22-09-16, 14:17
Hi all, I'm looking for some advice as I've just started having the most horrendous panic attacks and haven't eaten and barely drank for 48 hours.
Long story short, I've been supporting my wife with depression on my own for the past 2 years, she is now in a really good place but over the last 8 or so months I began to feel quite lonely and depressed but kept it to myself to try and keep up a strong front for my wife. A couple of weeks ago I left my job of 8 years and started a new job and I'm just not strong enough to make the change. I've had to come out about my depression to my wife and go to the docs where he has immediately signed me off work as I'm a mess. I'm now incredibly anxious all of the time, have panic attacks numerous times a day and through the night, I can't eat or drink and am vomiting about 20-30 times a day due to panic and am incredibly weak. I really don't know what to do. As ignorant as this sounds, I never thought this would happen to me and I'm lost.

22-09-16, 14:21
You need medical care and pronto. Can you get to your surgery or A&E?

22-09-16, 17:41
With the amount of times you're being sick, please go to your doctor or to hospital.

23-09-16, 13:04
Hi, thank you so much for your replies. We managed to get to my GP yesterday who gave me some diazepam Which has really helped me to calm down, stop vomiting and get some sleep. Thank-you again.

eternally optimistic
23-09-16, 17:30
Excellent news.

Should give you some respite.

Like most of us, things just catch up with you.

Take care

26-09-16, 06:28
I am very sorry for you as you are in a bad situation i would sugest you to go to hospital ,i dont mean that you have something bad but this will help you maybe you have some vitamin deficiency on your organism etc

28-09-16, 16:46
Thank you. It is very difficult (as most of you I'm sure are aware!) I've got a fantastic support network around me, which has surprised me as I really didn't realise I'd get this much, or even any support, I'm so glad I said something and would encourage others to do the same. I'm still finding it hard as im so different from my normal self and have very bad days but some good days too but I'm trying to take each day/hour as it comes. I'm also awaiting councilling which will hopefully help me out of this hole.

28-09-16, 16:51
Make sure you refuel properly, and get lots of fluid and foods.

22-03-17, 12:38
Hi to anyone reading this. I've just re-visited this page for the 1st time nearly 6 months down the line from my initial post and it brings a tear to my eye remembering how bad I felt and how I was utterly convinced that my life was over. Stupidly and caught up in the despair and desperation of the situation, within the week that followed I, unsuccessfully, attempted to take my own life. To anyone going through a similar thing I plead with you to continue to have the courage to carry on fighting, although I know it seems hopeless most of the time....you will get better...you will laugh again. Although I know I'll never be the same person I was before, I've never been happier and stronger than I am now. You will come out the other end. I promise.

22-03-17, 13:25
Good to hear. I'm sorry it got that far, but you've come though and that takes a lot of strength.