View Full Version : Doctor contacted me after scan. So worried!!

22-09-16, 15:02
Hi everyone,

I had an abdominal ultrasound scan like 2 weeks or more ago, and now I have been sent a letter to make a non-urgent routine appointment. I thought if everything was okay they wouldn't have contacted me at all, so now I'm really panicking.

I have an appointment later on today and I am going to be an absolute nervous wreck in the waiting room!! I have major health anxieties and phobia of all things medical/doctors so it's really hard to cope. I don't know how I will react if I get some horrible news, I'm just so so terrified.
Has anyone got any words of reassurance for me?

22-09-16, 17:20
If they had found anything bad, you would have been called in immediately, not given a follow up appt. They are just doing what they should, discussing results with you xc

22-09-16, 17:50
I have been sent a letter to make a non-urgent routine appointment.

That says it all.

Positive thoughts

22-09-16, 18:05
Thank you for your kind words Mercime and Fishmanpa.

I have just been to the doctors and was surprised I even got inside due to my anxiety I could hardly sit down!
Of all the problems I thought I had and what was initially suspected (ovarian cyst or gallbladder problem) it actually turns out that they have found a small lump on my liver :(
I am so shocked really and confused as I never expected to be told there was anything wrong with my liver. I'm only 22, and don't even drink alcohol.
Thankfully the doctor tried to reassure me by saying it looked benign, and that I probably shouldn't be worried as I could have been born with it there. :ohmy:
I'm trying to listen to what he's said but he suggested a follow up scan in a few months to see if it has grown, which in itself is terrifying me already. I have a phobia of dying, medical intervention, cancer, diseases, pretty much everything! I'm trying to reassure myself on the fact the doctor did not seem worried at all, in fact he talked more about getting me counselling for my anxiety!

I just wish I could calm down and have faith in the doctors but I'm going to be panicking for the next few months now until I know it's okay.


22-09-16, 21:46
Ugh, sorry you're going through this.

After having an ultrasound for gallbladder problems, I got the call that there was "something" on my liver. My dr sent me for a CT scan.

It's a hemangioma. I was told too it may have always been there. I went for a repeat ultrasound 6 months later, no change.

Usually I don't think about it, your post reminded me. They are fairly common.

Betcha that's what it is :-)

22-09-16, 23:32
Thank you so much for replying NancyW.
It's quite reassuring hearing from someone who has been through such a similar thing, as it is quite a lonely place when you're worried about your health and fear the unknown.

I researched hemangioma and it does seem to be what the doctor had described to me, especially as it was less than a centimetre. Obviously I will not know for sure until I've had the second ultrasound. Hopefully everything will be okay!
Thanks again for your kind words, I'm actually feeling a little calmer about it all now :)

22-09-16, 23:47
Mine was the size of an almond.

That was actually 22 years ago, I wonder if it's still there?

Somethings are better left uknown, they scare the hell out of us often for nothing.

23-09-16, 02:23
I am glad it turned out ok