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22-09-16, 19:27
If it's not one illness, it's another. Why am I so obsessed? Why the gloom and doom. I write this as the 1mg of Lorazapem finally kicks in. My current fear of colon cancer slightly shifts to Ovarian Cancer, as my Ob/Gyn wants me to go for some further testing.

34 years old... I have a 3 year old child... and my mind is consumed by fear of cancer.

I went for a Transvaginal Ultrasound and they found a tiny cyst (2.8cm). But, since I've had some mid-cycle spotting the last few months, my doctor wants to run bloodwork to check hormone levels and run a test called a sonohysterogram. But, of course, I need to wait. All of this has to happen at a specific time in my cycle. So now, I wait... 3 weeks.

I've had bouts of loose stool, diarrhea, sometimes constipation. I went to a GI and she talked me through it. I have no blood in my stool (at least no visible blood)... only if I am very constipated will I see a tiny red streak on the toilet paper.

So what is wrong with me? Because according to the internet, I could have Ovarian Cancer... Bowel Cancer... yes, there are other less severe issues, but my mind fixates on the worst case scenario.

Has anyone experienced the above? Care to help?

22-09-16, 19:54
All our minds tend to jump to the worst conclusions. While I can't diagnose you and I'm too young to experience such symptoms, let alone worry about such a cancer. You would be surprised of how much lumps and bumps turn out to be harmless, I can't give you advice on a diagnosis but I can definitely do my best when it comes to the wait of being diagnosed with what is most often on this site, nothing. A while back I had a lump about the size of a quarter in my middle finger, got it removed and they did a biopsy on it, I waited 3 agonizing days, but the most important thing about waiting for tests, or test results is keeping your anxiety under control, and keeping yourself occupied. It can be hard, but even the smallest things help. And the lump? Pfft, not even a cyst, not even a tumor, it was just scar tissue! My mind was jumping to the worst of conclusions, I created my own symptoms soon after going through Leukemia, Lymphoma, and now Lymphoma again! All symptoms got better when the docs said I was fine. I do Strongly think if it was Ovarian/Bowel cancer you'd have much more symptoms than unusual stool and constipation, my personal advice is stay off google, it will do you much more harm than good, try to soldier out those 3 weeks. If you aren't displaying anymore symptoms than you are now, even if it was bowel cancer, you'd have a very very strong chance of surviving if it didn't stage enough for you to display very very harsh symptoms, but as previously said. I strongly think you are okay, do feel better.

22-09-16, 20:00
I had ovarian cysts since I am 13 and all that happened is that they are monitored.

Sometimes they are there, sometimes there are not. I have a fair number of girlfriends that are undergoing fertility treatment and the only thing so they are pretty peeved on the months a cyst appears (as they cannot do a cycle of trying).

I was told by my doc that cysts are very, very rarely cancer. Cancers can grow cysts, but by definition, it isn't. Once it reaches a certain sizes, it can become a "complex" cysts (ie: have little walls). When they cannot see through the walls of it, they cannot state, for sure what is in it.

Think of grapes - you can see the mass, but you can't be 100% sure that there isn't a blueberry hiding in there - can you ;)

All through my pregnancy, every since time, a cyst was noted and I would say 75% of my follow ups have a little cyst.

22-09-16, 20:09
Thanks guys... <3 I appreciate the support.

Littleworried .. have you ever snuck a peak at your results? I wasn't overly "freaked out" by the cyst. I've had them before too. I was a little concerned that it said my lining was thick (13mm). I hear normal is 11mm. It also made note of "trace free fluid in cul-de-sac" My doctor said it is likely from the cyst. Thoughts?

22-09-16, 20:32
Your lining thickness depends on when you are in your cycle (to get pregnant it should be nice and thick so its plush enough for implantation).

Lining can vary by the day of the month btwn 2 and 16mm.