View Full Version : Burning and Stabbing pain

22-09-16, 22:26
Hi Everyone

I just wanted to get some advice. Since the end of March 2016 I have been experiencing widespread pain and all muscle cramping and twitching. I had some neurological tests done such as an emg, MRI, and clinical examination. and luckily the neurologist ruled out any serious neuro-muscular pathology. However, although the twitching and cramping have got much better I am still in so much pain and this pain has become worse. I literally feel all day long a burning and sometimes stabbing pain that migrates throughout my body. It is worse in some areas such as my lower spine and upper back and chest, but it also radiates into the shoulders and arms and down into the buttocks and legs. I even sometimes get shooting pains in my testicles. I occasionally get the odd day where the pain is better, but must days it is this continual and migrating stabbing pain. I have even been to A&E on three separate occasions and had ECG tests done, so basically my heart is functioning normally.

Because of the pain and I know this sounds a bit silly I had some private general tumour markers done as I am fearful that such widespread and severe pain could point to cancer. Worryingly, two of the tumour markers came back slightly elevated. One is called Alpha Feto Protein and raised levels have been correlated with liver and testicular cancer and the other one that was raised is called Neurone Specific Enolase. In Neurone Specific Enolase elevated levels can be associated with small cell lung cancer.

What has also not helped is that until recently when I changed my GP, I had a really unsympathetic GP who pretty much put everything down to anxiety. He basically dismissed the results of the two tests and said that some symptoms are medically unexplainable. Hardly a helpful response from someone who is meant to be a health professional. Although I know that such tumour markers are not used in diagnosis I am and still concerned about these elevated levels. I worry also that such widespread pain which feels like a deep pain could point to metasis of some kind of cancer.

I actually went to see a private GP, as I was in so much pain, who basically said that while some of what I was experiencing was possibly due to anxiety, it could not possibly cause the level of pain I have been experiencing. He also did not think tumour markers were a reliable guide to diagnosis, but he did actually order some in-depth blood tests and a chest x ray and referred me to a respiratory consultant. He also told me to change my NHS GP. Thankfully the blood tests and x-ray came back normal. The respiratory consultant also concluded that based on his clinical examination and the results of the chest x ray that there a extremely low chance that I had lung cancer.

Since then the private GP ordered some more blood tests which were also normal. He suggests that trying to find the cause of such complex problems can be sometimes like looking into rabbit holes. He did suggest though that one route could be to see a rheumatologist.

I have since changed my NHS GP and thankfully I now have a much more understanding doctor. I actually went to see them this morning and they sent me straightaway to the local hospital for blood tests to look at inflammation and arthritis. I should hear the results on Monday, but it was good to have a GP that did not dismiss my concerns. The other thing that he mentioned, which was also raised by the private GP was a possible drug interaction from the seroxat that I have been taking for the anxiety. I think my GP is going to get me off it and put me on an alternative. I have been in so much pain today that I have felt like crying. I just want to find out what is causing this pain.

I was wondering if anyone had experienced something similar or could offer some advice.

Thank you

Nervous jen
22-09-16, 23:13
I am having the same issues now as I did 5 yrs ago back to square one with the meds they did help and it was anxiety look up 101 symptoms of anxiety I have them all be patient it will be OK I promise I'm not a doctor but from my own personal experience if they can't find anything and your mind is fixates on it it makes it worse try some magnesium and potassium and other things and try to calm down its easier said than done but it will be ok