View Full Version : Back pain??

22-09-16, 22:54
I've been experiencing back pain for the last few days now.. I'm worried it's due to something bad like kidney problems or some type of cancer (obviously.. Because for most us health anxiety sufferers that's a main one we link our new pains or aches with.)
Anyways I've been rationally saying it could be from sleeping wrong.. I found myself laying on my stomach lately or that position when your on your side with one leg hiked up and the other straight so your almost on your stomach.. Typically I'm a side sleeper and use a pillow between my legs but I feel like lately like I said I've been sleeping different i don't know why. So that's one explanation for it. Another is I could have pulled something and not realized it by lifting things.
Anyways, the pain is only on the right side in my back and lower not all the way low like right above my butt but also not high up either.. It's a dull ache feeling.. I feel around back there and it doesn't hurt so I don't think (I hope it's not) it's my kidney.. I also feel like I feel the pain more laying down or sitting down. On a scale of one to ten I'd say it's a 3 more annoying then painful.
Some things I noticed is stretching my back helps for as long as I'm stretching straightening my back as straight as I can helps too. I definitely feel like I notice it off and on and like I said laying down or sitting.. But if I'm really distracted with something I feel like I don't notice it at all.
I'm just really worried about kidney stuff or like I said cancer stuff.. But anxiety loves making me feel convinced this is something very bad... :(
Just need some helpful advice and if this has happened to anyone else?