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View Full Version : these symptoms are destroying my life

23-09-16, 10:52
Hi everyone,

I have a beautiful 6 month old son who I'm trying to enjoy and my life is being ruined and taken over by these symptoms I'm having. For years now I've been convinced I've got a brain tumour due to server dizziness that I'm experiencing. Whildt I was pregnant I still had symptoms but not as bad and it was ok because I could relate them to being pregnant... it was such a happy time for me.

Now my son has been born it has been so amazing. He is the loveliest little boy. I am trying to enjoy his first years but it's being ruined by my symptoms 😟 I'm still breastfeeding him but only about twice a day now as he is being weaned. I am constantly exhausted, my head is constantly full of pressure and my neck is always so stiff. My head always feels so fuzzy and dizzy and sometimes I'll be standing up doing something ans all of a sudden I need to sit down as I get that feeling of low bp (it is low as been checkled but not massively low). I feel like I can't even lift my limbs without them feeling numb and aching for some reason. My ears are constant popping and going deaf and then ringing for some reason. Even if I just lean on a limb or lay on my side that side of my body will go completely numb...

Anyway last night something happened which has petrified me... I woke up and instantly felt dizzy whilst laying down. My body felt strange I felt freezing but my skin was sweating and clammy. I began to sit up to see if that helped and I woke my partner up by accident. I suddenly couldn't breathe and I felt as though I was falling backwards. I instantly had a massive urge to go for a wee and had to rush to the loo and urinate... in which time I almost collapsed abd held the sink to help me stay standing. I then laid back in bed and was awake since 4am. About 7am I attempted tk sit again and I was still dizzy but not as much... I've been a bit lightheaded this morning but then all of a sudden whildt laying on the sofa with my son the dizziness came again and I had to go for a wee again. I literally have no idea what's wrong with me... I feel so incredibly alone and it's literally ruining my life. I've been to the doctors countless times and they just say oh your tired from having a new baby or oh your fine and don't bother testing or anything. I've had a few blood tests which came out normal apart from very slight low iron which didn't even need tablets. This has happened another time when we were camping. So basically it's constant dizziness and lightheaded and then instant dizziness where I feel the need to urinate short of breathe and feel like I'm going to collapse. I am so so so fed up now. I can't live mt life anymore. I'm just sag here waiting to collapse because now I know there is something seriously wrong. I also have to make sure I always have food with me as I go extremely shaky and feel like my legs go like jelly and short of breath when I don't eat frequently. What's going on with me? 😟 can this really be anxiety?

23-09-16, 21:02
All the bloods you had when pregnant would have highlighted something seriously wrong.

Sounds like anxiety to me. You aren't alone, so many people feel the same way.

26-09-16, 08:26
Thanks for your reply. I've had so many bloods and all said normal just slightly low iron. Would blood tests indicate if there was something seriously wrong then?

rachael t
26-09-16, 22:35
I'm going through this at moment not realy dizzy but unstable on my feet also arms and legs feel weak and shakey as if my sugar levels have dropped and need food

27-09-16, 12:49
I have been getting the same symptoms on and off for months.

Some days are worse than others but I do seem better when I am busy and not thinking about it.

Today I feel really tired and dizzy, its a horrible feeling and makes me scared to leave the house.

I think tiredness is a factor but also worrying about it and the anxiety it causes definitely don't help.

You are doing really well with a baby to care for as well.
The fact nothing has been found that could be causing this is comforting.
I find I get a stiff neck as well and have heard that tension can also cause dizziness along with not breathing properly, you can be hyperventilating without realizing.
Also the over load of adrenaline cause these symptoms.

27-09-16, 13:58
I've felt like this for a few months, dizzy, shaking, off balance, need to wee when I get dizzy, short of breath 24/7, weak, tired all the time.

I've had blood test and it never shows anything, doctor says it's anxiety but I never believe them as I feel so ill. I feel bad as I have a young child and I can never take him anywhere as I feel so ill all the time.

27-09-16, 21:39
I'm not a doctor, not even close, but I've suffered from health anxiety for a while, and have researched the symptoms for a myriad of diseases - brain tumors in particular.

Doesn't sound like symptoms of a brain tumor at all - sounds something more related to blood sugar, or something of the like (again, I'm no doctor).

I knew a few people who've had brain tumors, one of which had skull splitting headaches and seizures, another had severe developmental problems to where he was deemed to having a learning disability (until they discovered the tumor). Both are still alive today living full lives.

Also, my brother a while back suffered from severe dizziness for a period of time and the doctors told him it was a vitamin deficiency. A friend of mine kept falling over because she was continuously off balance - the doctors too told her vitamin deficiency. Not saying that's what the issue is for you, but just showing that it rarely is worst case scenario and almost always something much less sinister.

If you're really nervous, see a doctor to put your mind at ease. And if your anxiety is really dominating your life, there's no shame in seeking psychological help. You've a new-born and should be enjoying every minute of it, not worrying about illnesses that aren't really there!

10-10-16, 10:41
Thanks everyone - lovely helpful comments. It's just so hard because I'm too scared to go out with my baby and take him places because of how I feel. X

---------- Post added at 10:41 ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 ----------

I also experinece twitching of my head too

13-10-16, 14:15
Hi I too felt and still do have the horrible symptoms like you do. I lost 3 litres of blood having my daughter nearly three years ago. I was transfused and given iron tablets. My haemoglobin reached a great level really quickly and I was pleased but still had horrible faint dizzy spells, shortness of breath, palpitations, ringing in my ears, tingling and numbness. After seeing nearly every Doctor at the surgery I finally found one who investigated further, I had very low iron stores, ferritin. I received more iron treatment and felt much better. It does drop every few months or so and I'm currently back on iron tablets due to heavy periods, but I know what to look for. I also suffer from functional neurological weakness. I've had bad flare ups several times in my life, it usually appears a month or so after a traumatic event. I had an mri of my brain as I was so convinced I had a brain tumour or ms. I was very lucky to see a top professor in this field who quickly diagnosed me. I'm currently having anxiety issues too but feel low ferritin is partially to blame. Good luck I wish you all the best x