View Full Version : New here, with severe Health Anxiety

23-09-16, 12:46

My names Ryan, I'm 29 years old and for as long as I can remember I've always had a terrible fear of death - mainly of cancer.

I'm generally a laid back, happy person but inside I'm constantly riddled with the thought I've got cancer.

This started when I first developed a lump under my arm when I was about 13-14 and then started thinking about death a lot. I went to the doctor who diagnosed it as a Cyst. At 15-16 I had fear's of Colon Cancer which ended up drifting to the back of my mind.

I had on and off fears which subsided again for a while. At 23 years old I began to have a loss of appetite which ended up being for 6 months - I also had a long term cough which I was convinced was lung cancer and Colon cancer mets. I had a Colonoscopy which was fine and again everything ended up fine for a while. This year has been the worst it's ever been at 28+29. I was convinced I had Melanoma 4-5 times, 4 different moles..2 removed both benign but I was convinced at least one was. I have had derm visits about 4 times this year all moles checked and non concerning.

4 weeks ago I had symptoms of Prostate and kidney cancer again convinced I had it(still get symptoms) I researched that Prostate cancer at my age doesn't even have statistics so the worry was a lot less.

The past 2 weeks(The worst I've felt) I'm convinced I have a brain tumour. I developed a Metallic taste in my mouth and have been having phantom smells of chemicals that only I can smell...I also have been getting headaches on one side. I've been getting dizziness when I lie on my back and then jump up too quickly with some weird head pressure and pains. I've been getting Deja Vu a lot recently and the phantom smells and taste have not gone away, the head pains are near my left temporal Lobe which matches the symptoms to a te.

Now I know that my anxiety is bad, but these symptoms are real and they match up absolutely perfect. I've reached the point where I'm near giving up on life, I nearly didn't go into work today. I've shut myself away form my friends, I want to be alone and just waste away because I'm so certain I've got this brain tumour or mets(I've had a cough fr about 2 weeks)

I've actually got a referral to help with my anxiety - this was booked before all these symptoms. I really just don't know what to do, where to go and how to handle all this.

Gary A
23-09-16, 13:04
Your symptoms actually perfectly describe migraines rather than a temporal lobe tumour. One sided headaches are absolutely classic of migraines, as are tinny tastes and chemical smells. These are known as auras, which a lot of people get before and during migraine attacks.

It's true that temporal lobe tumours can cause all of what you mention, but these tumours are exceptionally rare, and migraines are very common. It's also unlikely that a tumour would cause a one sided headache.

Brain tumours create headaches by increasing intracranial pressure. This would cause a severe, progressive and unrelenting headache that would typically cover the whole head area.

If you are concerned then you should speak to your doctor, but I'm almost certain you are suffering migraines, which can and do come on with periods of lasting stress.

23-09-16, 13:29
Hi Gary,

Thank you for the reply. I don't seem to get the pressure headaches they are always focused to a certain part. I do also seem to get them in other parts like slightly above the eye and sometimes closer to the back of the head. The are never what I would call painful, just noticeable. I've never had the phantom smells or metallic taste before can this just pop up randomly? My mind always links something new with bad.

23-09-16, 13:42
Hi Gary,

Thank you for the reply. I don't seem to get the pressure headaches they are always focused to a certain part. I do also seem to get them in other parts like slightly above the eye and sometimes closer to the back of the head. The are never what I would call painful, just noticeable. I've never had the phantom smells or metallic taste before can this just pop up randomly? My mind always links something new with bad.

May be a daft question, but are the phantom smells definitely phantom smells? People's senses of smell are more sensitive than others, and if you're getting anxious about smelling things you'll be focusing on things others are ignoring. I can often smell things my wife can't, and she can smell things I can't - people olfactory systems are sometimes just good at picking up different things.

Also have you had bleeding gums at all (most people get gingivitis at times...)? This can cause a metallic taste in your mouth.

23-09-16, 14:01

They smell like the typical description of phantom smells and my wife can't smell them. The smell like chemical, sometimes burning/cooking.

I don't have any bleeding gums or tooth/gum pain.

Gary A
23-09-16, 14:35
Hi Gary,

Thank you for the reply. I don't seem to get the pressure headaches they are always focused to a certain part. I do also seem to get them in other parts like slightly above the eye and sometimes closer to the back of the head. The are never what I would call painful, just noticeable. I've never had the phantom smells or metallic taste before can this just pop up randomly? My mind always links something new with bad.

It's possible to develop migraines at any age, especially under severe periods of stress.

Tumours in the temporal lobe are more likely to cause focal impairment such as memory loss, confusion and difficulty recognising words. You may be confusing this with temporal lobe epilepsy, which generally causes subtle seizures involving possible "phantom" smells or tastes.

As I said, if you're concerned then see your doctor, but I feel you're doing a lot of this to yourself. The anxious mind has ways of making this stuff seem real, I personally think you've read into temporal lobe tumours and are now having the classic mind and body connection of your body acting out what your mind is on alert for.

23-09-16, 18:32
I'll take that into account and see a doctor.

Thank you.

24-09-16, 08:10
Had a bit of a fright this morning. I woke up with one of the headaches on the same side. I read a lot of the past that brain tumour headaches are there when you wake up. Arghh this stuff never ends! I have also had this decrease on smell with no blocked nose

24-09-16, 09:08
Have you made an appt with your doctor to discuss how to treat your health anxiety? You do mention you've had it a lot this past year so I think that would be the most beneficial thing to do. Ask for a referral to therapy perhaps?

24-09-16, 09:16

I've got a phone appointment on Monday then they will decide the best therapy for me.