View Full Version : Nasal polyp in one nostril

25-09-16, 14:27
Hi guys, I wish to ask,how common it is?
I found it only today,it is slighly further in nose,but I can see it with torch.
I was blowing my nose forcefully and then looked inside it and found it by accident.

I looked it up online and found out that polyps are common in both nostrils,but in one it may or may not be something serious like cancer or tumor.

Is it possible that I caused temporary swelling by forceful blowing of nose, or if it is polyp, how common is it to be in one nostril only?
What are the chances for it to be a cancer or tumor? Thanks

25-09-16, 15:05
Ok... let's be candid here. One doesn't discover what they "think" is a nasal polyp by accident. I'm going to rightfully assume your nose was stuffy and you were trying to clear it (thus the "forceful blowing") and then you decided to take a flashlight, self examine your nose and saw something (most likely normal structure) that has now sent your anxiety into overdrive.

Take an OTC decongestant or nasal spray to help relieve the congestion and leave it at that or you can pay a doctor to tell you it's normal.

Positive thoughts

25-09-16, 15:22
Ok... let's be candid here. One doesn't discover what they "think" is a nasal polyp by accident. I'm going to rightfully assume your nose was stuffy and you were trying to clear it (thus the "forceful blowing") and then you decided to take a flashlight, self examine your nose and saw something (most likely normal structure) that has now sent your anxiety into overdrive.

Take an OTC decongestant or nasal spray to help relieve the congestion and leave it at that or you can pay a doctor to tell you it's normal.

Positive thoughts

I did discover it by accident. I waa actually brushing my teeth, and a bit of tooth paste ended up on my nose, I felt like a bit ended up inside of it as well.
I started cleaning my nose with paper towel, and blowing my left nostril forcefully to get tooth paste out if it did end up inside.
Eventually I lit up torch to see if there was anything and I found something that looks like nasal polyp. I checked the other nostril, there was nothing there. Only left nostril has it.
I started freaking out after that.

26-09-16, 00:09
Hi there, my friends husband has just had one removed, his had become huge, over a six month period. it went off to the lab and the results came back as not cancerous, phew, he was told non cancerous polyps are really common. Pop to your Dr as they can grow rapidly, he kept getting nose bleeds with his, they will remove it ( apparently painless) before it becomes problematic, try not to worry x

26-09-16, 15:13
I have had nasal polyps for years, never been told they can be cancerous. My GP isn't concerned I just use a nasal spray to keep them in check. Never needed it removing either.

26-09-16, 16:22
Hi there, my friends husband has just had one removed, his had become huge, over a six month period. it went off to the lab and the results came back as not cancerous, phew, he was told non cancerous polyps are really common. Pop to your Dr as they can grow rapidly, he kept getting nose bleeds with his, they will remove it ( apparently painless) before it becomes problematic, try not to worry x

After further investigation I found out that polyps do not hurt when touched and are either darker or lighter in color.
That what I have is skin colored.
I read further,I think it could be swollen inferior turbinate, it is not as known as nasal polyp.
Turbinates are bones in nose, inferior is closest one. They may become swollen due to various things such as allergies,etc and they often are unilateral when swollen, while polyps are mostly bilateral,unilateral are alarming.
I think it changed size today again, may be somewhat smaller but I think it is still there.
I will go to a doctor.

Anyone here has any experience with turbinates? Do they hurt when swollen? I can feel mine if I touch it, and when pushed harder,it hurt just like any other part of nose,not more and not less.
Should it behaveike that? Thanks