View Full Version : Anybody looking forward to the new Star Trek series in 2017

25-09-16, 15:27
I just wondered, as with its IDIC principals, Star Trek might appeal to those with Mental Health challenges, if any folks here were looking forward to Star Trek: Discovery in Jan 2017 on TV.

I havent managed to see the new film 'Beyond' as yet. I liked the 2009 film but was a bit 'meh' on 'Into Darkness'

25-09-16, 15:38
I love star trek. not really the new movies (I saw Beyond as part of exposure therapy for agoraphobia. wasn't worth the anxiety).

I'm looking forward to the series and I hope it'll be a lot more like TNG or DS9 than the new movies.

25-09-16, 17:13
Voyager was my favourite :)

25-09-16, 20:05
TNG was my favourite. I thing the new producer has worked on DS9 years ago as a writer.

26-09-16, 04:41
I liked the originals but not the later ones, I felt other sci-fi like Babylon 5 were better.

New ones may be good though.

12-10-16, 15:46
I agree that the narrative of Babylon 5 was great.

Apparently the new series is based on a 13 episode arc focussed on the character called Number One, not the Captain as previous series have been.

I was not that keen on Voyager or Enterprise.

12-10-16, 16:35
If its like late DS9 (same producer as BSG) then i'll be over the moon. Need more good sci-fi on TV.

Dark Matter lost my interest already.