View Full Version : Lump/bulgr above ankle bone and tingling nerve pain in foot

25-09-16, 17:09
Hi all,

I have mostly managed to get my anxiety in check of late and have not visited a gp in a record five months, however I will be calling tomorrow to make an appointment. Right now I'm not overwhelmingly anxious, but figured here would be a way better stop than Google.

For the past month or so I have noticed what I would say is nerve like pain in my right foot, but only in certain positions such as when rotating my ankle or pointing my toes and foot inward. It shoots down from the outside of my lower leg, a few inches above the ankle bone, and all the way out to my four small toes. It varies from tingling to sharp, shocking pain. I've discovered it seems to be coming from that position on my lower leg because if I press there I can recreate that pain without moving my ankle at all.

Today I discovered a solid bulge/lump in that spot on my leg that isn't present on the other leg in that area. If I press on the bulge, hey presto I get the shooting pains into my foot. Until I found this lump I was pretty blasé about everything and figured I had moved the wrong way or something but now I am getting concerned. Of course my mind goes straight to tumour, growing and compressing my nerves.

Has anyone else had something like this before? I will call the doctors tomorrow and try to be seen during the week, but I just know the anxiety is going to creep back up on me in the interim. I already can't stop touching it :(

Thanks for listening,


25-09-16, 17:30
It could be a cyst, but since you have experienced considerable pain I think its best to visit the GP & get it checked out. Good luck!:)

26-09-16, 15:03
Thanks Lucinda,

The GP can't see me for another week so I have made an appointment for next Monday. Until then I will do my best to ignore it, admittedly not my biggest talent.

A cyst crossed my mind too but it seems very far from the ankle to be a ganglion and the bulge isn't visible, only palpable.

It is in no way impeding walking and I would never have known the bump was there if I hadnt gone poking around, but the fact that it is so clearly the cause of this issue is increasingly causing concern for me.

Trying to use the CBT thinking I have learned and staying off Google with success so far, although I have a medically related background so I don't really need a Google search to know the possibilities.

Thanks for reading and replying, I appreciate it.

09-10-16, 20:17
I saw the GP during the week about this problem with my foot. She had a good poke around of my metatarsal bones, achilles tendon and plantar fascia and all of that was normal and painless. I explained the nerve pains and the bit on my leg I can press to elicit the pain in my foot and she called this a pressure point.

She seemed unconcerned and said she couldn't see anything to indicate something nasty and that while she couldn't explain what was trapping the nerve it could be something trivial. I said about the lumpy bit and she merely shrugged.

I have been advised to use ibuprofen gel and go back if it doesn't go away, possibly for a referral to a podiatrist.

Feeling slightly less anxious but of course the thoughts of something sinister keep creeping back in.

My partner proposed to me at the weekend and I am delighted but keep having dark thoughts about never seeing the wedding because of some health disaster, such as having a tumour in my leg and it going undiagnosed. However my rational mind is repeating the doctors words and attitudes and focusing on that.

Thanks to the lovely people at this forum for being so kind and understanding.
