View Full Version : constant churning tummy

28-03-07, 23:39
please help, i have a tummy so full of wind and it constantly churns making awful noises. If i eat it gets worse.

Its not painfull at all but its quite embarassing, does anyone else get this if so any tips on getting rid?
thanx tracie xx

29-03-07, 13:51
I get this. I also suffer with IBS (mainly constipation). It's very embarrassing!

I found taking probiotics made it worse (I did this after a colonic to replace the good bacteria).

I also think it is related (in my case) to grains - I am much better if I avoid wheat, rye, etc. Oats and rice don't seem to cause me much problem.

I don't think there is any easy way to find out what makes symptoms better/worse, other than by trying to cut out something for 10 days and seeing if there is an improvement.

You could try drinking lots of water at room temperature, not too cold, plus camomile or peppermint teas. Plus taking time over meals, not eating on the go, relaxing after meals (all stuff I am guilty of not doing!).

Hope this helps.