View Full Version : Constant headaches 7 months

anx mum
25-09-16, 21:09
I am back after a long time. I'm hoping someone can help me. I've been getting headaches now for 7 months constant. The headaches have been all over my head in different areas. The headaches have affected my eyes too. I have been referred to a neroligist in liverpool been seeing her since July. I asked her to do a ct scan last Thursday as my headaches were more severe and I have a history of brain aneurysm. I am worried sick I've got an anyresum would this show on ct scan plz help I'm scared.

Maggy May
29-09-16, 23:28
Hi Anx Mum

I can relate to the constant headache, I have Chronic Cluster Headaches and chronic daily headaches, I have had a constant headache for over a year but I have made huge improvements with the help of my neurologist. My headaches are all one sided and change in intensity, does yours intensify or is it just constantly the same all over?

In regards to your worries about a brain aneurism, I am not a doctor and not sure on your history but this is very rare and you would more than likely have more symptoms than a headache. To set your mind at rest if at all possible, a MRI with contrast (a dye that is injected) will show up any issues with the blood vessels but your neurologist will have done some basic checks to ensure there is nothing immediately serious to worry about, for instance checking your pupil reactions and basic motor movements.

I hope you get some relief soon I can completely understand how this can effect every aspect of your life. I don't know if you have tried any medications for pain relief but I would say you are in the right hands with your neurologist.

Kind Regards

30-09-16, 06:41
I am back after a long time. I'm hoping someone can help me. I've been getting headaches now for 7 months constant. The headaches have been all over my head in different areas. The headaches have affected my eyes too. I have been referred to a neroligist in liverpool been seeing her since July. I asked her to do a ct scan last Thursday as my headaches were more severe and I have a history of brain aneurysm. I am worried sick I've got an anyresum would this show on ct scan plz help I'm scared.

When did you have an aneurism before, how was it treated? I would have thought that your neurologist would be the best judge of when tests are needed but you asked for one, she didn't suggest it? Looks like she didn't think it was necessary? CT would show problems but the best person to ask if the doctor, not people on an anxiety forum x

anx mum
13-10-16, 19:30
Hi Anx Mum

I can relate to the constant headache, I have Chronic Cluster Headaches and chronic daily headaches, I have had a constant headache for over a year but I have made huge improvements with the help of my neurologist. My headaches are all one sided and change in intensity, does yours intensify or is it just constantly the same all over?

In regards to your worries about a brain aneurism, I am not a doctor and not sure on your history but this is very rare and you would more than likely have more symptoms than a headache. To set your mind at rest if at all possible, a MRI with contrast (a dye that is injected) will show up any issues with the blood vessels but your neurologist will have done some basic checks to ensure there is nothing immediately serious to worry about, for instance checking your pupil reactions and basic motor movements.

I hope you get some relief soon I can completely understand how this can effect every aspect of your life. I don't know if you have tried any medications for pain relief but I would say you are in the right hands with your neurologist.

Kind Regards

Thank u for your reply Maggie. Ive recently been diagnoised with cluster headaches and hemicrania. The pain I'm experienciig has been awful at its worst its burning had sharp jabbing pains round right side temple. Aswell as physically this is affecting me anxiety wise to. I'm taking lamiogine and candesartan not really doing anything yet. My nero is putting me on verpraml and I'm gonna try the gammacore. Ive recently had a ct scan with contrast to look at the vessals come back normal.

anx mum
11-02-17, 17:24
Hi Anx Mum

I can relate to the constant headache, I have Chronic Cluster Headaches and chronic daily headaches, I have had a constant headache for over a year but I have made huge improvements with the help of my neurologist. My headaches are all one sided and change in intensity, does yours intensify or is it just constantly the same all over?

In regards to your worries about a brain aneurism, I am not a doctor and not sure on your history but this is very rare and you would more than likely have more symptoms than a headache. To set your mind at rest if at all possible, a MRI with contrast (a dye that is injected) will show up any issues with the blood vessels but your neurologist will have done some basic checks to ensure there is nothing immediately serious to worry about, for instance checking your pupil reactions and basic motor movements.

I hope you get some relief soon I can completely understand how this can effect every aspect of your life. I don't know if you have tried any medications for pain relief but I would say you are in the right hands with your neurologist.

Kind Regards
thanks Maggie I'm writing an update of my headaches they are still constant daily headaches. I'm under a good specialist now in Liverpool and he has said I'm suffering from hemicrara and cronic cluser headaches. How are u doing? Ive had an mri but nothing showed and a ct with dye nothing showed. It is worrying cos of my mum. Hope u are feeling abit better

11-05-17, 14:14
I can't fault the neuro team at Fazakerly Hospital. It was them who diagnosed me with chronic migraines after two years of being fobbed off by my old GP. Hope you feel better soon. :)

anx mum
14-06-17, 18:57
Many of you know me from being a member of the group for many years now. Since then I am dealing with a chronic headache condition I'm under a specialist this has been going on constantly for almost 2 years although I was in constant pain was to a degree dealing with it. Until a bout a week ago with all my medication wasent helping at all I'm in unbearable pain with blinding headaches yesterday I was admitted to hospital because of pain they took bloods where my inflammation had risen and had a ct scan which nothing showed up. Now I'm at breaking point with severe anxiety back I'm having panic attacks and scared cos my mum died of a brain bleed. I'm getting physical symptoms dizziness and shaking. I really need some help can anyone relate?:weep:

anx mum
15-06-17, 16:43

15-06-17, 16:48
Good sign that the ct scan showed nothing! Sounds like major anxiety! Are you still in the hospital?

anx mum
15-06-17, 16:54
No hun out of hospital now. Been getting constant headaches for nearly 2 years now under a specialist not coping v well with anxiety can tell its back I'm shaking really bad. been really dizzy scared to sleep

15-06-17, 17:56
You could be suffering from migraines. Everyones migraines are different, I would maybe get some blood tests for it and talk to your doc about that being a possibility. Then perhaps they can prescribe you something to help.

anx mum
16-06-17, 13:19
These headaches came suddenly and have been pretty much constant for almost 2 years now. I'm seeing a headache specialist just wanna b diagnoised so can get right treatment. I'm worried sick

anx mum
01-07-17, 14:45
Really struggling at moment many of u know me from no panic. I suffer with health anxiety but also now struggling with a physical illness and under a specialist. I'm getting chronic headaches had them constant for 16 months now my specialist seems to think cluster headaches? All this going on my health anxiety is through the roof extremely worried about having a stroke as my mum did age 53. Life is so hard at mo :weep:

anx mum
07-07-17, 06:51
I see dr silver at liverpool he is the best. I've recently had a nerve block and a multi cranrun block. touch wood headaches have eased. all this has effected my life everyday u don't know how your be. it's so hard to be physically and mentally ill. if anyone would like to chat about these headaches maybe we can b support for each other

anx mum
29-07-17, 16:54
So much has been going on in the last year. Firstly I have had chronic headaches for 16 months constant I'm under a headache specialist he thinks I'm getting cluster headaches the pain ive never had nothing like it. Ive been on o2 medication and headache injections. Just lately my specialist did some injections in my head and thankfully my headaches have turned off. Now about 3 weeks ago I started getting severe chest pain its been mostly in the centre of my chest the pain is awful its heavy stabbing and sharp is how I would describe it. It moves over to my left at times over my left breast and I have pain and numbness under my left breast. I know in the past ive had chest pains which have been due to anxiety but this feels different:weep:. I have seen my gp many times and they don't think its anything to worry about ive had a chest xray ecgs and a heart bloodtest. I'm being referred to a cardio clinic and a pain clinic in the mean time this pain I'm getting is horrid it scares me painkillers don't work and my anxiety has come bk its sky high I'm convinced its my heart I'm overweight and have smoked in past and abit lately. Is anyone else going through a similar thing? Maybe we can try and help eachother?

29-07-17, 17:15
I kn ow how you feel. My HA started 20 years ago with severe headaches everyday. I was convined I had a brain tumor and it was only after doctors, consultant and finally an MRI that I was convinced otherwise. they were so painful and I was certain I was dying.
I am online at te moment posting about pain between my shoulders that goes into the muscle at the top of my left breast. I am in total meltdown believing I have lung cancer or similar. I KNOW how you feel and when we are not in the grips of HA we can see it for what it is - our brains adding up wrongly, catastrophing everything - but in the midst of it all we can't see the wood for the trees. How many times have I said 'but this is different' and 'm saying it again now. You have had chest x rays and bloodtests. Something would have been picked up. Try to think logically. We are masters at focussing on bits and making the pain worse. At the start of my recent fears I went to the GPith tingling and numbness in my fingers and toes. Blood tsts threw up a raised liver enzyme. I was so focussed on that that the tingling has stopped - and I hadn't even noticed. The mind is all powerful and plays mind games. I am sounding so logical. I can see that yours is HA but me - I can't see it. You are not alone.

29-07-17, 17:18
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time 😥 A couple things come to mind if you've had normal cardiac testing...

If it's in the center of your chest...you've been in some medication could it be heartburn/gerd?? I had some very nasty gerd after being on antibiotics and went to the hospital because I had such terrible chest pain. The pain was in the center of my chest and would radiate to the left side.

Maybe muscular in nature? Sometimes anxiety really makes you stiffen up...

Hope you feel better soon.

anx mum
29-07-17, 17:57
Thank u both I'm really confused whats going on had heart blood tests which have come bk ok. But my white blood cell and esr and crp have come bk high the dr said something about infection and inflammation. Feel like they haven't got to the bottom of it. Its one good thing my cluster headaches are giving me a break touch wood. I know from the past what anxiety can do to u ive had it since 17 on and off I'm now 38 but these pains in chest are nasty

anx mum
17-01-18, 21:55
I’m back it’s been a while. I’ve been so poorly last two years with chronic headaches they been 24/7. I’m under a specialist in Liverpool who is trying to help me with treatment been having nerve blocks. All this is affecting me mentally as well as physically. Does anyone else have this terrible condition?

17-01-18, 22:32
Just wanted to say I sympathise. While I don't suffer cluster headaches myself my grandfather suffered them daily for months at a time. He couldn't quite express how much agony he was in and resorted to hitting himself on the head to try and knock himself out for even a brief respite.

Thankfully treatment options have gotten much better since then (he passed away a long time ago) so you've made the right choice seeing a specialist.

Wishing you a speedy recovery or long remission soon!

18-01-18, 06:50
My friend suffers from this. She is being given BOTOX is from the doctor and has signed up for a few trials of migraine products. I can't remember the name of it but she's got this new device you can wear for a bit every day on your head which lowers migraines. I'll try and find out what it's called. Also, did you see the news recently. There is some medication which has gone through clinical trials and which are very soon to be released that is supposed to cure migraines. Possibly also cluster headaches.

Try to see a chiropractor. I know they can be pricey but often cluster headaches are brought suddenly on by strain. There was actually a tv programme I saw and this lady had horrific cluster headaches every day for years. They took her to a chiropractor who scanned her, noticed some light strain to her upper back, which she traced back to whiplash in a small car accident 10 years before. Five years later she gave birth to two children which made the postural problems worse. With work by the chiropractor, she was cured! I am not saying this would definitely work in your case, but it might be worth a try.

19-01-18, 21:36
I don't know how open you are to radical treatment, but psychedelics like LSD and Psilocybin have been shown to control cluster headaches. You don't even need to take them all the time, I believe the effects last several weeks at least.

anx mum
19-01-18, 22:15
What. Is that jack

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Joe sorry

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Thank u all for your comments feel very much alone with this condition and suffering with anxiety too makes it even harder. My specialist is trying things to help the only thing that has helped so far is a nerve block but u can only have these every 3 months then there is no guarantee

anx mum
26-01-18, 16:07
Since March 2016 I've been getting constant chronic headaches whig have been desiblating. I've been referred to headache specialist and at mo there throwing everything at me like nerve blocks injections o2 portable. I suffer with anxiety really bad and tomorrow I'm having an mri I'm scared they found something.

26-01-18, 16:26

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

anx mum
27-01-18, 18:31
For 16 months now I've had constant severe headaches my last mri was in 2016. The headaches I get are so severe. I'm under a specialist in Liverpool who thinks I've got cluster headaches and hemicrania continua. Which are chronic headaches. At the moment I'm trying to get my pain under control. Many of u know me from no more panic my anxiety is sky high and I'm wondered about scan results. My mum passed away at 53 she had an anyerasum. Does anyone else struggle with these headaches?

27-01-18, 18:37
threads merged

anx mum
28-01-18, 08:10
Sorry Nicola was on my phone and put my message in wrong group.

28-01-18, 13:06
That's fine Bev. Hope you are doing ok

anx mum
28-01-18, 15:27
The last 16 months have been hell. I'm now under a specialist he thinks I have cluster headaches. I feel so alone at moment and the pain is draining me down. My specialist is trying different meds, nerve blocks and oxygen nothing at mo is helping. As u can imagine my anxiety is sky high keep thinking I have something bad like an anyersam as my mum had one. Had mri yesterday gotta wait 2 weeks for results :weep:

28-01-18, 15:30

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


anx mum
29-01-18, 12:15
Hi just was wandering does anyone suffer with daily chronic headaches cluster headaches. This pain is hell not coping at all with it. Had an mri Saturday really scared something shows up my anxiety is sky high

29-01-18, 16:06
7 months with a constant headache... seems like you had a hard time. Felt so sorry.

anx mum
29-01-18, 20:43
It's awful hun it's been nearly 2 years had 5 month break. It gets u so down trying to control pain at moment. Hoping and praying my specialist can help me soon with a plan. My anxiety is sky high too with all this going on

anx mum
30-01-18, 18:07
Had an mri done Saturday cos of my constant headache. Really concerned about result. My mum had an anyersam would they see this on a mri. Also if it was serious would they ring my gp?

30-01-18, 23:05

I’m not a medical professional Hun but MRIs can and will pick up aneurysms, though by no means does this mean you have one at all. I know how hard it can be when someone close to you family wise has had a health problem and you think you’re gonna have the same fate. My mother’s side have had artery problems but as I’m 17 the doctor isn’t worried about cholesterol yet, but I am lol! If there was something as serious as an aneurysm your GP would be informed straight the way and you would be too. I would not worry (easier said than done I know) and just try and relax. Something like this wouldn’t just give headaches

anx mum
31-01-18, 20:18
thank u for replying unioncorn really appreciate it. Had a better day today pain wise seeing specialist on Monday I'm hoping something is done. My gp is trying to get my results urgently so hopefully will put my mind at rest

anx mum
08-02-18, 17:39
The last 16 months have been hell. I'm now under a specialist he thinks I have cluster headaches. I feel so alone at moment and the pain is draining me down. My specialist is trying different meds, nerve blocks and oxygen nothing at mo is helping. As u can imagine my anxiety is sky high keep thinking I have something bad like an anyersam as my mum had one. Had mri yesterday gotta wait 2 weeks for results :weep:

Feel very let down on Monday thought my specialist would of come up with a plan cos in so much pain. Instead he said stay off caffeine which I did when I started having these headaches and painkillers. Everyday is a struggle at the moment. Does anyone else have a chronic headache condition?

anx mum
09-02-18, 10:33

anx mum
10-02-18, 10:18
Ok does anyone have chronic headaches daily? I’ve been diagnosed with cluster and hemicrana finding it hard to manage pain. All this is also affecting my anxiety

10-02-18, 11:23
I honestly think that if you've been diagnosed with this benign yet very debilitating condition, and your pain is unmanageable...then you really should be discussing this with your consultant. I know you say you are disappointed with the treatment plan that he came up with, but I wonder if you are advocating strongly enough for yourself about how intolerable you are finding the pain?

anx mum
10-02-18, 12:36
I’ve written him a letter saying how pain is affecting me cos when I saw him broke down feel like I didn’t get my point across. Today so far I am thankfully having a better day had reflexology yesterday maybe that’s helped. I know I’m anxious can’t sit still

anx mum
15-02-18, 18:47
Hi guys I am really struggling with physical and mental health at mo. I have had a constant headache for almost 2 years now I'm under a specialist in Liverpool. My specialist seems to think it's a headache disorder cluster and hemicrania continua. I'm really stressing out and really concerned about having my mum's condition an avm anyerasum. Mum had headaches for months and was misdiagnosed which lead to stroke she was 53. I've had a recent mri and has come bk normal would an anyerasum be spotted really worried x

anx mum
23-02-18, 18:08
plz can someone help I'm at breaking point this isn't living its excisting.U probably know my headaches have been going on almost 2 years now constant and severe. my specialist in Liverpool put it down too cluster headaches and hemicra continuea. My last visit with him i feel cos i was upset from pain i didn't get my point across. he basically side no cafferine which ive stopped stop painkillers and no o2 felt very let down as he didn't offer any treatment like a nerve block which has helped for 5 months headache free. His response was go to bed til i see u next end of march. Went to my gp cos i couldn't cope with pain told them i cant go on like this. They put me on a drug called verapamil now ive done three things one had reflexlogy 2 cut out coffee tea etc and three this drug verapamil. Since i saw my gp a few weeks ago my headaches are there but not as bad? Now i cant sleep haven't for three months I'm exhausted ive tried everything. i feel my anxiety coming bk to as many of u know my mum was misdiagnoised with a blood vessel problem which burst she was 53 and ended up having a stroke a month later she passed. I asked my dr for a second opinion as this worrys me. Today i went for a private mri with contrast to have a close look at my blood vessels. I'm just so exhausted having my kids off this week has been so hard.

23-02-18, 18:36
Hey there,

I used to have awful migraines from the time I was 16. I used many drugs to cope with pain. I also had cluster headaches now and again, but migraines 2 or 3 times a week for years. Some of them were god awful, id lose vision, throw up etc. I cannot even begin to imagine how you must be feeling. I was a basketcase with my 2~3 a week.

Does NHS fund accupuncture treatment? I never believed in accupuncture, but I moved to Taiwan 10 years ago. When my boyfriend (now husband and Taiwanese) moved in with me and saw the state of things he found me a great accupuncturist who specialized in migraines. I had 10 treatments of accupuncture and herbs and I was so so surprised at the difference it made, having not at all believed it could work. If you decide to try it, make sure you choose a very reputable accupuncturist. Someone who isnt well trained can make things worse. I have had maybe 2 migraines in the last 6 months, and was completely cured of my migraines for a few years. It truly works. I spoke to 4 or 5 other women at that office, and my husbands aunt, all who had severe migraines and were cured by accupuncture.

I have also heard good things about sensory deprivation tanks for migraines. If youre desperate (I know you are, ive been there), you could try these things.

anx mum
24-02-18, 09:43
Thank u jojo for your reply struggling so much at mo I'm also exhausted my gp has prescribed me zopiclone for a weeks see how i can get on. I'm also more concerned as my mum had a blood vessel problems which led to stroke and passed away at 53. My headaches have eased had reflexlogy cut cafferine out and on a headache preventive called verapamil. I decided to have a private mri head scan with contrast yesterday as I'm concerned. What was the last thing u mentioned whats that?

24-02-18, 14:41
If you havent tried acupuncture, you should go. I know im sounding a bit pushy, but it does work. The needles also dont hurt at all if that is something youre worried about. If reflexology helped, acupuncture probably will too. There are recent study findings (in 2017) stating that accupuncture actually does reduce migraines the same as many medications, except after using acupuncture, the migraines dont usually return.

The sensory deprivation tank is like a tanning bed with water in it that is totally closed. I'm not quite sure of the specifics or how it works because i've never used one, but I have heard its helpful.

I can understand your fears because of your mom. I know it must be difficult to relax while you have this migraine, plus all of that hanging over your head. Hopefully the MRI will give you a definitive answer, but you do need to trust the findings of the professionals. I know that's hard to do with HA.

anx mum
24-02-18, 19:48
Thanks jo jo hopefully my results will be back early next week its just horrible not having a proper diagnoise got told I'm having cluster and hemicrania both conditions then my last time my specialist said migrarine so really confused. my mum got misdiagnoised so that's my fear. Ive had no sleep for three weeks now I'm exhastered feel tired but don't sleep. I'm at my wits end

anx mum
28-02-18, 16:36
My results have just come back normal thank god. My head feels a lot better just not sleeping haven't slept in a few weeks now i feel worn out. Ive tried everything warm bath before bed lavender herbal remendies i feel anxious again too I'm worried I'm gonna lose my job its only 2 hrs but love it there. Also i have a headache condition but don't know what importment thing is didn't show anything nasty

28-02-18, 23:53
That's great news. Maybe you will start to sleep better now you are not as anxious about your headaches. I,he had insomnia for over 2 years. The Dr recommended cherry juice. I drink that late afternoon, chamomile tea early evening and horlicks at bedtime! It has improved somewhat . Hope things continue to improve for you.

anx mum
03-03-18, 15:11
For three weeks now i haven't been able to sleep ive tried everything herbal meds lavender bath before bed. Ive even tried the new Holland and barret cbd drops. Anyone have any ideas?

anx mum
03-03-18, 15:21
Thank u hun still not sleeping where do u get cherry juice from? Got some herbal tea. How long u suffered?

03-03-18, 16:00

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


04-03-18, 08:53
I've suffered with it for over two years but these drinks do seem to make a difference. The cherry juice has to be a concentrate of tart cherry juice which can be diluted according to taste. It is NOT the carton ones from supermarkets. I don't think I'm allowed to say the name? Anyway, Holland and Barrett sell it but I get it cheaper off an internet site. I take magnesium supplement an hour before bedtime too. Have you thought of over the counter meds for temporary relief? What about some massage , years ago I had some neck/shoulder aromatherapy massages and they helped me sleep. It might help with your headaches too . Best wishes Ruth

anx mum
04-03-18, 18:10
thank u hun for replying headaches at mo at bay don't know if its the no cafferine or my new med verapamil? My sleep has been awful tried everything when u cant sleep effects everything your memory your concertration. My gp have not been very helpful at all.

anx mum
05-03-18, 17:58
Is this anxiety? Now my headaches are under control at mo. I don't know if this is anxiety my pulse at rest is 94 i do check it 3 times a day is i do breathing exercises and it goes down

06-03-18, 01:43
Hi anx mum,
You should probably stop checking your pulse, seriously. That checking behavior is something that perpetuates the health anxiety cycle and prevents you from being able to move on. It’s hard to fight the urges to check, but if you can do it, it will definitely help you get out of the cycle. Happy to hear the headaches have eased up! Your pulse will be what it is, whether you check or not. I would say it’s definitely anxiety, for certain. I was in a vicious cycle of checking several things with my body, and through CBT, learned how to break the habit as well as quitting Dr. Google. It helps so much! I’m much calmer and happier now.