View Full Version : Plz help having such a bad time atm

25-09-16, 21:46
I had been so good for so long. Last 6 months or so I have been getting worse. Heart going fast or hard or both, getting breathless. Then heart slowing down too much too quickly!!

Omg....... left side of head feels numb then arm then leg, so think I'm having a stroke. Face is burning, ears are burning, chest feels heavy.

As I get older I fear the worst more. When I was younger although in my heart I knew my symptoms were anxiety I would go to drs to be reassured even didn't mind tests. Now I beileve in my heart that I have things physically wrong with me. So the panic is that much greater and I never go to drs as I fear tests because I fear bad results.

So atm I am in a state of panic by these horrible feelings that I have in my body but I know that they came on before I got anxious. Having said that I am here looking for reassurance that I am ok!! Doesn't make sense really but then what anxious mind makes sense!

Everything would be ok if I could just lose the fear. So much easier said than done! We would all be ok if we could lose this fear of illness and dying! Although I know some people who fear what I just said but who don't suffer with anxiety!


27-09-16, 08:22
The fear makes a lot of problems in people life .Practice autosugestion to eliminate fear from your life .Start by repeating everyday to yourself that you are very courageos ,the key with this its to repeat as much as you can and after time will change fear from your subconstient mind with courage

27-09-16, 11:43
Sometimes we just have to put our big girls pants on and do what we can to help ourselves. And in this case I think you should go to the doctor for help. Have you tried medication in the past? did it help? I went to the doc 3 weeks ago and got a prescription. I cannot tell you how much better I feel after struggling for months if not years. Please go and get some help. You know you can do it!